CH 2.37 The Mystery

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It had been a few months since Andrew and Carol had returned from their trip. Carol walked through the house, looking for Andrew and trying to avoid tripping on the puppy weaving between her legs. Mavi barked happily, assuming she knew where they were going when in reality she had no clue. Carol had searched the whole house and no boyfriend...there was only one place he could be. She knocked on the back wall of the bedroom closet and the door slowly slid open.

"Remember that stupid song they made for Steve?" Andrew scoffed, looking up at one of the screens from his chair.

"You mean the one you were so jealous of?" An English voice replied from the monitor.

"I wasn't-- I'll talk to you later" Andrew smiled. "Thanks for the information."

"Anytime" Peggy smiled before the screen switched off.

"Peggy?" Carol asked, awkwardly reaching the bottom of the stairs, carrying Mavi in her arms so she couldn't ruin anything.

"Yeah, it was" Andrew watched Carol walk behind him. He looked over his shoulder and Carol bent down to kiss him. Mavi assumed her job was to join in and licked their cheeks. Andrew and Carol chuckled and wiped their faces in unison. "She was sending over all the details on that girl I was telling you about."

"I don't remember."

"Meredith Quill is her name" Andrew sighed, flipping through papers. "Lovely woman according to everyone that knows her, she has a soon-to-be nine-year-old son...and she's the only family I have left."

"You're kidding!" Carol exclaimed excitedly.

"First cousin four times removed" Andrew smiled weakly.

"Why...aren't you happier?"

"Inoperable brain cancer" Andrew sighed.

"Oh god," Carol winced. "That kid...I can't imagine."

"Yeah, me neither."

"Well, you have to go" Carol spoke determinedly.

"What?" Andrew scoffed. "She's in Missouri, Carol."

"So? I'll take care of Mavi and I'll tell Lawson there was a family emergency...just go."


"Gee, if only we had a vehicle" Carol rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, okay, point taken."

Andrew kissed Carol goodbye and ruffled the fur on Maverick's head before hurrying out of his former lair. Carol looked around carefully. It had been some time since she'd been down here. She walked in front of the glass case housing the Peacekeeper suit. Carol scoffed, remembering a time when this was the largest source of stress in her life. She found herself able to smile up at it now, having conquered those negative feelings.

"Daddy's a hero, huh?" Carol spoke to Mavi in a baby voice. "He still is to me..."

Andrew was almost out of the city when his communicator began to buzz.

"You gotta be kiddin' me, Peg."

He picked it up and held it with one hand, using the other to steer the car.


"Are you busy?" Peggy's voice came through.

"A little."

"We picked up that energy again. We're almost certain it's the individual you're wanting to find. Just thought you should know."

"Where?" Andrew asked calmly as he turned the car around in the split second.

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