CH 2.36 The Gift

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"I can't believe it's been two weeks already" Carol whimpered, sitting next to Andrew on an uncomfortable wooden bench in the airport while they waited to board their ride home.

"I know" Andrew chuckled at Carol dragging her feet. "At least my love extends beyond the Caribbean."

"Yeah, about that...I think we need some space" Carol joked. "You're just not the same person when you're outside the Caribbean." Her sarcasm broke and she ended her joke in a laugh.

"Wow" Andrew snickered. "I see how it is."

"Oh c'mon, I'm only teasing" Carol sighed, recovering from her cackle.

"I know" Andrew smiled. "You're stuck with me, it or not."

"You know I like it" Carol leaned over and gave Andrew a quick peck on his cheek. Over Andrew's shoulder, Carol spotted--

"A wishing well!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"That's clearly a fountain" Andrew teased.

"Make a wish" Carol spoke matter-of-factly.


"C'mon, just do it with me."

Andrew let out a sigh, believing this was a waste of time, but if Carol was this adamant...there was nothing he could do.

The couple walked over to the fountain and stood at the edge of it. Carol tossed a quarter in and took a deep breath. Andrew flicked his quarter in the air, it landed with a small plop as it hit the water.

"What did you wish for?" Andrew asked as they walked back to their sitting area.

"If I tell you, it won't come true!" Carol gasped sarcastically.

"We wouldn't want that" Andrew snickered as he sat back down.

Carol had a simple wish. She simply wanted to be happy with Andrew for the rest of her life.

Andrew wished for Carol to say yes when he finally worked up the courage to ask.

"What part of home are you most excited to get back to?" Carol asked, trying to pass the time. "I miss our bed."

"Well...I wanna see if you like the present I got you" Andrew smirked cheekily.

"Present?" Carol grinned.

"The surprises just keep coming, huh?" Andrew winked.

Carol pulled the car into their driveway and shut it off.

"Think you could take those corners a little sharper next time?" Andrew judged sarcastically, clinging to the door after being flung around. Carol was a good driver...usually, just a little reckless.

"You're alive, you big baby" Carol scoffed.

Andrew stopped Carol from grabbing bags from the back so she could see her present better. Andrew opened up the back of the car and yanked all the luggage out. He carried it inside and set it on the floor gently, smiling at his gift.

"Alright, come on in" he grinned at Carol.

Carol walked with him and began walking through the door. "I still don't know why I had to wait outsi--"

Carol froze. "Ohmygod...OHMYGOD!"

Andrew chuckled, unable to stop himself from laughing. Excited Carol was easily in the top five Carols.

"Holy shit!" She turned to Andrew and grabbed him by the arms. "You got me a--"

Andrew walked over to a small playpen and pulled it open to make an opening. A small German Shepherd puppy with enough energy to crack the space-time continuum bolted right for Carol, simply excited to meet new large creatures.

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