CH 2.1 The Ants

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Andrew awoke and let out a small groan before slowly opening his eyes. He opened his eyes to see Peggy's face inches away from his.

"Jesus!" Andrew whispered loudly as he jerked backward.

"What now?" Peggy asked as she rubbed her eyes and stretched.

Andrew now wide awake looked over at his friend and scoffed.

"Peggy, I love you...but you sleep real scary."

"That's not nice!" Peggy exclaimed through laughs.

"The truth hurts doesn't it?" Andrew teased. "Oh, that reminds me!"

"Reminds you of what?" Peggy asked as she sat up in the bed and yawned.

"Two things" Andrew replied with a grin as he searched for a sweatshirt to put on. "One, where can a guy get some breakfast, and two, you snore."

Peggy threw her pillow at him and Andrew laughed as he dodged it. "Cafeteria is five doors down on your right." Peggy explained as she got out of bed to prepare for the day.

"What kind of tea would you like, darling?" Andrew asked while mocking Peggy's accent.

"Camomile...and I will throw you back into the ocean, Andrew!" Peggy yelled as Andrew left the room chuckling.

Andrew followed the directions Peggy had given him and only picked the wrong door once. He made his way into the cafeteria and noticed an immediate hush come over the three dozen soldiers in the room. He looked around confused at all the eyes watching him. He walked up to the worker responsible for dishing out the food and asked for two portions and Peggy's tea. He thanked the worker and turned to look once again at the people staring at him. He turned his attention to a table of four women who were whispering at sneaking looks at him. Andrew cleared his throat causing them to look over at him. Andrew smirked and gave them a playful wave. Three of the girls blushed and turned back around, but one waved back. Andrew raised his eyebrows in surprise and winked at the girl. Suddenly, a man from a different table stood up and started walking over to Andrew. His friends tried to hold him back but surrendered when they got close to Andrew.

"Why you winkin' at my girl?" The man asked.

"Oh c'mon, we're not doing this" Andrew said not intimidated by the smaller man. "I could rip you in half with my bare hands and I think you know that" Andrew smirked as he listened to the man's heartbeat rapidly increase. "Now you can either walk away and I'll leave...or you can spend some time in the medical ward." The man turned around and began walking away. "We'll call it a tie!" Andrew yelled over to him causing the soldiers to laugh.

"S-Sir" the worker spoke quietly from behind the counter. "Y-You're food is ready."

"Oh! Thanks but please don't call me sir" Andrew replied. He grabbed one tray with each hand and began walking out of the room.

He knocked on the door to his room with his foot and a few seconds later Peggy opened the door.

"Took your time" Andrew joked as he set the food down.

"Oh? Two plates of food is too much for the super soldier?"

"Okay, that tea is hot!"

"Fair enough" Peggy admitted with a giggle. "Run into any trouble?"

"Of course!" Andrew replied as he sat down in a chair and pulled his plate onto his lap. "Some guy was pissed off that I winked at a girl. He wanted to fight, I convinced him that he in fact...did not want to fight."

"You haven't been awake for twenty-four hours yet and you're already winking at girls and starting fights?" Peggy asked half disappointed and half surprised as she sipped her tea.

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