CH 2.12 The Bank Heist

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Andrew sluggishly pulled himself out of bed, he hadn't gotten any sleep that night. Andrew couldn't get what the fake Bucky, Steve, and Peggy had said in his dream out of his head. Andrew took a quick shower and frowned when he saw that his right palm was still red and now painful to the touch. Andrew groaned as he put on some clothes and powered through a nasty headache. Andrew felt nauseous so he decided to skip breakfast and head to work early.

Andrew opened his front door to leave and saw Ophelia standing on his front step with her hand raised, ready to knock.

"Uh, hi?" Andrew said confused.

"Hi...hi!" Ophelia exclaimed, realizing how strange this appeared. "I was on my way to work and I wanted to-- are you okay?"

"Yeah, just not feeling great" Andrew sighed.

"I'm sorry" Ophelia replied softly. "You look tired...did your symptoms keep you up?"

"No, I had some freaky dreams...I'll survive" Andrew chuckled.

"Okay-- crap, I forgot to call my grandma" Ophelia interrupted herself. "I'll leave you be."

"Okay, see you later" Andrew said as Ophelia started walking away.

"Ginger helps with upset stomach!" She yelled before she started talking on a phone Andrew didn't recognize. From his front door, Andrew watched Ophelia leave in extreme confusion. Why the random visit? How did she know about his stomach? Andrew got in his car and tried to understand Ophelia's visit while he drove to work.

Andrew sleepily walked into the military facility. Because of the amount of energy his body used just being a super-soldier, Andrew didn't do well with losing sleep.

"What're you doing?" Andrew asked with a smile as he opened the door to his office.

"Waiting for you" Carol said matter-of-factly, sitting in Andrew's chair with her feet propped up on his desk.

"Don't you have a job?" Andrew rebutted sarcastically. Carol stood up out of Andrew's chair with a huff.

"Yeah, but I feel useless" she sighed.

"What?! You are not useless" Andrew exclaimed, pulling an upset Carol into a hug.

"I joined the Air Force to fly stuff and help people" Carol murmured with the side of her head pressed into Andrew's chest and her eyes closed comfortably.


"But I haven't done any of that" Carol replied with a sad deep breath. Her strong and tough demeanor falling away as she melted into Andrew's arms.

"Not even any training? Why?" Andrew asked, running his fingers through Carol's blonde hair gently.

"They won't let me" Carol muttered softly.

"Who?" Andrew asked firmly, trying to keep his emotions in check.

"Everybody, they say that I'm 'not ready' but there's no reason why...some of the guys say it's because they don't want a 'girl' flying" Carol sighed.

Andrew took a deep breath...while hitting the other recruits would feel good, he knew it wouldn't help anything.

"Bullshit" Andrew said under his breath. "You're flying today"

"What?" Carol asked confused when Andrew pulled away from her. Andrew walked over and hastily scribbled something on a piece of paper.

"Are you the only one they won't let fly?"

"Just me and Maria" Carol answered nervously. "All the other new people have flown a training exercise."

Andrew scoffed and shook his head. "Give this to them...they'll let you fly" he said holding the paper out.

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