CH 2.15 The Baggage

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Some time later,  Andrew and Carol were on an early morning run in April so Andrew could clear his head. He'd been going out as Peacekeeper almost every night for the past few months and it was working...crime was down for the first time in years. On top of that Andrew had been working extra at with Dr. Lawson and hanging out with Carol with every second of free time he had. The lack of rest was starting to take a toll on Andrew's body and mind. But Andrew could handle all of was the constant lying to Carol that he couldn't stand. He wanted more than anything to just tell her everything and leave no detail out, but he knew he couldn't.

"How..are you..not tired?!" Carol panted as she ran beside Andrew.

"Huh? Oh, I uh- do a lot of...cardio" Andrew responded as Carol's words snapped him out of his thoughts. This was a relaxing jog for him but a sprinted marathon for Carol.

"You okay, babe?" Carol asked concerned and still out of breath. "You can tell me anything, y'know."

'if only that were true' Andrew thought to himself. "I'm fine, sweetie...just thinking about a work thing" he replied.

"Stop thinking about work!" Carol ordered with a giggle as she poked Andrew's ribs.

"What should I think about?"

"Me!" Carol replied happily. She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his right arm.

"I always think about you" Andrew smiled as the couple turned onto the street Andrew lived on and his house came into view.

"I'll race you home!" Carol yelled as she started sprinting to the house. "Enjoy the view!" She shouted over her shoulder.

So Andrew did, he stopped moving and watched Carol run. He waited for a few seconds before sighing.

"She really shouldn't have done that" he said under his breath.

He took off not holding back as much as he had before. Carol chuckled at him slapping her ass as he ran past.

Andrew stood in front of the door and waited for Carol to reach the house. He crossed his arms and pretended to be irritated as she got closer.

"Did you hit my tochus?" Carol asked out of breath as she ran into the front yard.

Andrew gasped dramatically.

"I would never do that to your sitzfleisch" he replied with a fake emotional hand on his chest.

Carol ran up and hugged Andrew tightly.

"What is this?" Andrew asked confused as he held Carol.

"...a distraction" Carol whispered in his ear. She shoved him away and he fell gently into the grass. Carol frantically ran up and touched the front of the house. "I win!" She hollered cheekily.

"What?!" Andrew yelled back. "You never said that!"

"That was the rule!"

"That was bullshit is what it was" Andrew laughed, Carol walked over and sat next to him on the ground.

"Just because the rules were never specified, doesn't mean they don't exist" Carol grinned proudly. "They don't announce the rules at the beginning of every baseball game, do they?"

"No, but- y'know what? Fine, you win this one, Danvers" Andrew chuckled and leaned his head on Carol's.

"You're amazing" Carol sighed. "You know that right?" She asked tilting her head upward to look him in the eyes.

Andrew looked down at the woman who had completely captured his heart over these last few months. He desperately wanted to tell her everything his heart felt but feared he'd share too much. He allowed the second thought that came to mind to escape.

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