CH 1.8 The Bar

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"Senator Brandt..." Colonel Philips spoke as a man typed his words into a typewriter. "I regret to inform you that Captain Steven G. Rogers went missing behind enemy lines on the third. Aerial reconnaissance has proven unfruitful. As a result I must declare Captain Rogers...killed in action." Colonel Philips turned around to see Peggy Carter enter the tent.

"The last surveillance flight is back" Peggy said showing Philips the photos. "No sign of activity."

"I can't do anything to Stark" the Colonel said with a sigh. "He's rich and he's the army's number one weapons contractor, you however, are neither" Philips frowned, turning to face Peggy.

"With respect sir, I don't regret my actions and I don't think Captain Rogers would either" Peggy said.

"What makes you think I give a damn about your opinion?" the Colonel asked sternly. "I took a chance with you, Agent Carter. Now America's golden boy and a lot of other good men are dead because you had a crush."

"It wasn't that" Peggy replied sharply. "I had faith."

"Well I hope that's a big comfort to you when they shut this division down" Philips said as soldiers started running towards the front of the base. "What the hell is goin' on out there?" the Colonel asked as he and Peggy walked out of the tent and towards the soldiers.

"They're back!" a soldier yelled as Captain America came into view, flanked by Bucky on his right and Andrew on his left, leading almost four hundred men back into the camp. The soldiers lined up to see what was happening and began to clap as the rescued men entered the camp. They continued to walk until they reached Colonel Philips.

"Some of these men need medical attention" Steve said saluting. "I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action, sir"

"That won't be necessary" Colonel Philips said with a slight smirk he tried to hide.

"Yes, sir" Steve replied with a grateful smile.

"Faith, huh?" Philips said to Peggy as he walked away. Peggy walked up to Steve.

"You're late" she said gazing into his eyes.

"Couldn't call my ride" Steve joked holding up a broken communications device.

"Let's hear it for Captain America!" Bucky yelled and the soldiers gathered around them exploded into applause...

The next day, the three newly reunited men traveled to a military base hidden underground in London so Steve, Bucky, and Andrew could give reports on what had happened. After Andrew had finished giving his side of the story he wandered into the main room to see Steve standing opposite Peggy and looking over a large map of Europe.

"The fifth was here in Poland near the Baltic" Steve said gesturing toward the map. "And the sixth one was-"

"Right there" Andrew interrupted Steve and pointed at the map. "About thirty or fourty miles west of the Maginot line. How did I remember that? Andrew asked shocked as he looked over at Steve.

"You really need to ask?" Steve replied.

"This super juice is pretty neat!" Andrew exclaimed.

"Thank you, Captain" Peggy said as she and Steve smiled at eachother. When Peggy was out of earshot Andrew turned to Steve and hit him on the arm.

"Did you see that!?" Andrew asked excitedly.

"See what?" Steve replied confused.

"That ridiculously pretty girl just smiled at you!" Andrew whispered with a smirk.

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