CH 2.3 The Promise

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At noon the next day Andrew met Hank, Janet, and Peggy in the briefing room to review the plan for their upcoming mission.

"Hydra is planning something...we just don't know what" Peggy said. "This is a recon mission to Madagascar to find Intel on a large Hydra facility. The plane is ready and waiting. Any questions?"

Andrew raised his hand. "Yes, Andr- Peacekeeper?"

"Will there be snacks on the plane?"

"We have taken your increased metabolism into account" Peggy said holding back a smile.

"How much resistance can we expect?" Janet asked while writing down notes.

"Our spies tell us that they have a significant force guarding the base, but it shouldn't be any trouble for you three."

"How long do I have to tell my daughter we'll be gone for?" Hank asked.

"Unfortunately the flight is eighteen hours long. So thirty-six hours on top of however many hours the actual mission takes."

"Let's plan for forty-eight" Janet whispered to Hank.

"All of your gear is already loaded on the plane...good luck" Peggy announced as she picked up her papers and left the room.

"We have to grab a few things in our lab and then stop by home before the're welcome to come with us if you want" Janet said to Andrew as the three walked out of the room.

"Alrighty, just come get me when you're ready." Andrew replied.

Hank and Janet entered their lab and Andrew stopped by Peggy's office.

"I was hoping you would stop by" Peggy said when she heard the door open.

"I wasn't going to not say goodbye!" Andrew exclaimed. They sat down on Peggy's couch and talked for a few minutes before Andrew remembered something.

"Oh! I forgot to ask last night, who's Sharon?"

"She's my little great-niece...cute isn't she?"

"Oh yeah, definitely gets her looks from her Aunt" he replied with a smirk.

"Oh stop!" Peggy said with a laugh.

"Is that the most recent picture of her?"

"No, she's nine now"

"They grow up so fast...last time I saw her, she wasn't even alive" Andrew joked making Peggy laugh.

"She wants to go into the military, but my niece doesn't want her to."

"Must run in the family. I say let her do it."

"I agree" Peggy replied. "If only I could convince Harrison and his wife."

"We'll get her a toy gun and a little thigh holster for her." Andrew joked with a laugh.

"We? And her birthday is seven months away." Peggy giggled.

"I'm not letting you take all the credit for my idea, Peg. And I don't plan on taking another forty-year nap so we can wait." Andrew replied with a grin.

Just then someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" Peggy yelled.

Janet stuck her head inside the room to tell Andrew that she and Hank were ready when he was. Then she left to let Peggy say goodbye in peace. Peggy pulled Andrew into a tight hug.

"Be careful" Peggy said softly as she squeezed him.

"I always am" Andrew replied with a smile. "You hold down the fort alright, it's only for a few days."

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