CH 2.13 The Baby

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A few weeks after America learned Peacekeeper was alive, Carol was sitting on a barstool next to Andrew after having lunch at Poncho's bar. She looked up at the television where three people were debating where Peacekeeper had come from and if this was even the same man from the war.

"Pretty crazy stuff" Carol said gesturing to the tv. "I read about him in school."

Andrew almost choked on his water. "Really?"

"Oh yeah!" Carol giggled. "Him and Captain America pretty much owned Halloween when I was little...I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick, then we can head out." She smiled as she hopped off the stool and walked away.

"Aaaand I'm old" Andrew whispered with a sigh and a smirk after Carol had left.

A few minutes later, Carol walked back out to Andrew and they held hands as they exited the bar. The couple walked to their car and Andrew opened Carol's door before running back around the driver's side.

"Where to?" Andrew asked as he pulled out of the parking lot. Carol took a deep breath before answering.

"I said I'd help Maria today" A smile crept across Carol's face when an idea hit her. "You should come with me."

"What?" Andrew asked surprised.

"Come help! You can meet Monica and we could really give Maria a break."

"I don't know, Danvers" Andrew replied nervously.

"C'mon! It'll be fun and you don't have to stay if you don't want."

"And Maria's okay with this?"

"I'm sure she will be, we've discussed it briefly."

"How briefly?" Andrew smirked.

"Just drive" Carol laughed as she playfully smacked Andrew's arm and turned on the radio.

Andrew couldn't help but smile as he listened to Carol sing along to the radio and quiz him on the different bands and musicians.

Minutes later, Andrew and Carol pulled up to the Rambeau house and walked up to the door. Carol rang the doorbell and they waited patiently for the door to open.

"I have to warn you that I have a problem with accidentally becoming a father figure" Andrew joked.

"What?" Carol asked with a confused furrowed brow.

The door swung open and an exhausted Maria Rambeau stood in front of Carol and Andrew.

"Oh thank god there's two of you, this child is trying to kill me" Maria sighed. Carol snickered and Andrew genuinely frowned. Maria stepped aside to let them in the house. "She was allergic to sleep last night."

"Where's the troublemaker at?" Carol asked excitedly.

Maria walked them into the living room where baby Monica was laying on her back on top of a blanket on the rug in the middle of the floor.

"Hi, Monica!" Carol exclaimed.

Monica didn't look away from the toy she was playing with.

"Somebody's grumpy" Carol huffed making Andrew chuckle.

Carol and Maria began talking about their day and Andrew walked over to a frustrated Monica. Monica turned her head to face Andrew when she noticed a new face. Andrew crouched down and smiled.

"Hey, sweetheart" He said softly. Andrew reached his finger out and gently rubbed Monica's cheek. Monica continued to stare at him with observant eyes. "I'm Andrew-- hey!" Andrew giggled when Monica grabbed his finger and stuck it in her mouth. "What're you--" Andrew sentence faded as he noticed the tears brimming in Monica's eyes. "Does your mouth hurt?" Andrew asked knowing she couldn't answer him.

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