CH 2.39 The Crash

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A familiar blue-eyed blonde woman rested in a hospital bed with pillows propping her up into a comfortable slight sitting position. She'd grown tired of the bright overhead lights beating down on her for the last thirty-six hours. The air began to feel stale and the hospital food was sickening at this point. But it was all worth it. She'd go through all the pain and suffering as many times as it took...a small coo reminded her of that all over again. She looked down at her newborn daughter in her arms. Her heart had never been so full. Her child was here, safe, and gorgeous.

The baby tugged on her mother's hospital patient top and began to fuss...simply unhappy to be awake.

"You're alright" She whispered, smiling at the baby she'd fallen in love with nine months ago. She was exhausted, but was more than worth it. When she looked at her baby's face, she saw the face she'd love forever and more than anything else. "Don't be grumpy" She softly booped her daughter's nose.

The baby battled the soft cloth she'd had swaddled around her, eventually winning and sticking her arms out victoriously. The small hood slipped just a touch off her head and revealed an almost full head of short blonde hair.

Just then, the child's father walked into the almost comfortably small room. He fiddled with the strap around his wrist, signifying who he was and why he was there. "I ever tell you how much I hate hospitals?"

"A few times" she smiled back. The father placed his hand on his child's head gently.

"She's perfect."


"This hair reminds me of somebody" he grinned and kissed the side of his wife's head. "Just like her mother."

"And her grandmother" she chuckled sleepily.

A soft silence fell over the tiny room, the happy parents joyfully listening to their daughter breathe.

"What's wrong, hon?" The father asked after seeing the troubled look on his wife's face.

She sighed as if preparing to reveal something that may sadden her just as much as him.

"It won't be easy...I don't know how this will work if it even does."

"We'll figure it out. We always do, right? Not the first time odds have been against us."


"Mary, we've got this, okay?" He smiled. "You sure you wanna bring the boys in?"

"They may not be my children, but I want them to see her" A smile grew across Mary's face as she thought about their little family getting one baby bigger. Joseph opened the door and two small boys ran straight up to Mary's bed.

"Be quiet, fellas" Joseph spoke softly.

"Ewww" The younger boy grimaced as Mary tilted her daughter so they could see.

"Joey!" Joseph exclaimed quietly.

"I dunno...she's kinda cute"

"Atta boy, Steve" Joseph chuckled, witnessing a demonstration of his sons' drastically differing personalities.

"She looks like a frog."

"You had me and then you lost me, Stevie" His father sighed.

"A wrinkly one!" Joey giggled.

"Wanna race down the hall?" Steve turned to his brother excitedly.

The boys ran out of the room and Joseph shut the door.

"Looks like she'll need tough skin" the baby's father joked.

"She will" Mary smiled, unable to look away from her daughter, now staring back at her. Mary liked to think her baby could recognize her as her mother. Joseph floated his finger down to his child and her eyes drifted up to it. The baby slowly reached up and curled her tiny fingers around his far larger pointer finger.

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