CH 2.38 The Holidays

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"Ow! Ow! Carol!!!" Andrew exclaimed and Carol ran over to him from the other side of the kitchen. He turned his back to Carol and she peeled the small kitten with its claws dug into his back off him. "She hates me, Carol" he sighed, rubbing the light scratches on his back that would soon heal thanks to his powers.

"She doesn't hate you...she's only known you a week, give it some time." Carol held the kitten up to her neck in a cuddle. "Chewie is full of love."

"Chewie? You named that little demon after a Star Wars hero?"

"Can't you see the resemblance?" Carol smiled and held Chewie out toward Andrew.

"No!" Andrew laughed. "You should see the face she's giving me right now."

"What face?" Carol turned Chewie back around and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"Well, she's not gonna look at you with anger...she loves you!" Andrew exclaimed. "How'd she even get on my back?"

"She...climbed onto the counter and then launched into your back."

"How did you talk me into his?" Andrew stared into Carol's eyes with Chewie glaring at him and Mavi laying near his feet.

"You love me very much and want me to be happy."

"Our house is a zoo, Carol."

"Even if it means our house is a zoo."

"Fine" Andrew sarcastically scoffed and leaned over, kissing a smiling Carol. He tried to kiss her twice but Chewie's small paw shot up and whacked his cheek. Andrew took a deep defeated breath and Carol's eyes widened.

"Are you ever going to open that?" Carol asked with her head on Andrew's shoulder and Chewie on her lap. She pointed to the box Meredith Quill had wanted Andrew to have.

"Yeah" Andrew replied softly as he switched the television over to the news.

"What's in it?"

"I have no clue."

"I know a cool way to find out" Carol sighed.


"Open it!"

"Fine" Andrew laughed at Carol and flipped the blanket off his lap and over onto Chewie, completely engulfing her. Andrew giggled at the small muffled hiss that came from the blanket.

"That wasn't very nice" Carol held back a smile as she dug a safe Chewie out from her soft and warm purgatory.

"Well, now we're even" Andrew spoke to the kitten as he sat back down with the box and set it in front of him. "Ah, scissors" Andrew stood back up and traveled to the kitchen to grab something to cut the tape keeping the box shut. While Andrew was gone, Chewie walked over and confidently curled up in the spot Andrew had been sitting. Carol snickered as Andrew walked back over.

"You lose" Carol giggled up at Andrew as he neared.

"Wha-- oh, c'mon."

Andrew scooped Chewie up to reclaim his spot, sending the kitten into a frenzy of rage, claws, and teeth that was quelled as soon as she was moved from Andrew's hands to Carol's. Carol chuckled to herself, looks like there's a rivalry brewing.

Andrew carefully cut the tape keeping the box shut and opened it. He looked in and confusion overtook his expression.

"What is it?" Carol asked trying to see in from her spot.

"It's just...letters?" Andrew replied, reaching in and grabbing one.

He looked it over and it hit him.

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