CH 2.0 The Reunion

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"1985?!" Andrew questioned as he ran his fingers through his hair in shock. "W-Wait where's Steve?"

"Captain Rogers was never found" Fury replied, taking a seat in a nearby chair. "You just washed up on our doorstep...we still don't know how."

"Oh god" Andrew spoke softly as he brought his hands up to his head and started to panic. "This..this wasn't supposed to happen."

"What wasn't supposed to happen?" Fury asked confused.

"I was never supposed to have to live in a world without them!" Andrew yelled as his hands began to tremble.

"Calm down, alright? You're safe" Fury said reaching towards Andrew after noticing him breathing heavily.

"Calm down?!" Andrew shouted. "Both of my best friends are dead! The ONLY people who kept me grounded are gone! What am supposed to do without them?!" Andrew fell to his knees as memories of his friend's last moments flashed in his mind.

"So your friends are can't fight with them anymore, so you fight for them" Fury answered as he reached his hand out to pull Andrew his feet.

"What if I can't?"

"Then you try your damn best because we haven't had a superhero in forty years and the scumbags haven't stopped being evil."

Andrew let out a deep breath before looking at Fury's hand. He knew in his heart that Steve and Bucky would want him to keep fighting, to never give up even when he felt like he needed to. He grasped Fury's hand and allowed it to him to up.

"I want to talk to Peggy" Andrew demanded.

"Oh she's already on her way" Fury answered with a chuckle. "As soon as she got the news that we had fished you out of the Arctic, she got on the first transport here."

"Where exactly is 'here'?" Andrew asked as he looked around attempting to find a clue.

"This is a hidden Shield base in Alaska" Fury responded.

"Interesting...what was your name again? Sorry I was a little distracted by being alive."

"Nicholas J. Fury...but everyone calls me Fury."

"That means I'm callin' you Nick" Andrew said with a smirk.

"Not even my mother calls me Nick" Fury replied irritated.

"Good thing I'm not your mother then, Nicky" Andrew said as he flopped down on the bed he had woken up in.

"I wish you hadn't woken up, yet" Fury scoffed with a small grin as he turned and walked away.

"Be nice, Nick!" Andrew yelled with a smile as Fury closed to door with a growl.

Andrew stared at the ceiling of his room for what felt like hours as he tried to wrap his head around what was happening. His heart ached as suddenly had two friends to mourn, all he wanted to do was see Peggy and have some small sliver of normalcy restored.

He heard the door open but didn't bother looking over, he was too lost in his thoughts.

"A-Andrew?" he heard a familiar British voice say.

Andrew shot up out of his bed and looked over to where the voice had come from. Peggy looked back at him with tears streaming down her face. After a few seconds of feeling like she couldn't move her legs, Peggy ran to him. When she reached him she jumped up into his arms, wrapped her legs around his waist to hold her in place, and crammed her head into the crook of his neck.

"I got you, Peg" Andrew said softly as he easily held her up and rested his head on her shoulder. Even the smell of her perfume calmed him, it was the first familiar thing he had smelled since he woke up.

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