•2: Dinner.

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Afreen's point of view

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Afreen's point of view


Few hours later

The adhaan for zuhr prayer was called and I quickly went to the toilet to perform ablution so that I can pray.

When I finished praying I carried my Quran and started reciting suratul Maryam, I recited five pages before I kept the Quran back in it place I folded the prayer mat and also kept it aside.

I went downstairs and everywhere was smelling bakhoor(a wood chips that have been soaked in perfume oil and are mixed with other(Natural)ingredients. emmm heaven, everywhere was dark because the curtain were closed and the air conditioner was on .

Mom most have gone to the bank, "hmmm what an amazing mother she didn't even bother to tell me she was going to the office," I said sarcastically, I have been in my room taking pictures on snapchat and going into my Twitter and Instagram posts.

I entered the kitchen and found some creamy looking country fresh in the refrigerator I carried it and went straight to the left wing livingroom downstairs, I on the TV and went to Netflix I put crash landing on you , it actually a Korean series 'I love kdrama and kpop.'I am also a fan of bts and Lee min ho and song joong-ki " if you know you know."

I didn't even no when I started dozing off on the couch I rubbed my sleeping eyes and picked my phone and the time was showing me 3:40pm oh my God I have to pick my siblings from school I know they most be waiting by now 'oh my poor babies.'

I quickly went up to my room and carried my veil, abaya and car keys I entered the car and the security guard opened the gate for me.

When I arrived I found them gisting with their friends and I was there speeding like a mad woman on the road thinking that they must be very tired and hungry. I called there names and Aleeya started running towards my direction, becareful don't fall she hugged me and I started smiling yaya Afreen I missed you, 'Awwn my baby missed me.'

How was school I asked after we entered the car 'it was fine sis.' I made a new friend today in school her name is saiha , she's so sweet and lovely and soo cute, yaya do you that her brother is finally coming back to Nigeria after three years, she was so excited I can't wait to see her handsome brother, said Aleeya.

Hmmm you and handsome men I will just tell dad to marry you off to one of his handsome old friends, I joked "what" said Aleeya,
Why are you wicked na someone cannot crush on handsome boys, "and plus am just fourteen years am too young I have not reached my time yet," but soon you will start hearing that the famous Aleeya is dating or has a boy friend, "she joked.

I know even you too you use to secretly stalk boys on social media"what in your dreams " boys are not even in my list because they irritate me please spare my life. It is better I stay single I won't mind.

Ones we reached home I parked my car in my favourite spot, we came down and I locked the car.

I ranged the bell and our maid Esther opened the door, welcome ma ,said Esther, thank you.

Assalam alaikum we chorused while entering the living room ,wa alaikum Salam answered our father, 'masa alkhayr(good afternoon) kayf halik awladi(how are you my children) ,fine daddy.

Dada do you know that I made a new friend today in school her name is saiha, she's so sweet and we played together, 'are you serious ' said dad, yes dada, wow this your friend must be really nice and special.

The adhaan for Asr prayer was called and dad stood up to go and pray in the mosque, when I come back from the mosque you will continue gisting me about your new friend did you hear me said dad smiling, yayy said Aleeya bye daddy come back safe and pray for us , you are always in my prayers habibty said daddy.

We all went up to our various rooms to freshen up and pray, Abeer and Aleeya share the same room , Abeer if you like leave your uniform on the floor you hear.


In the Night
After we had all prayed magreb pray(fourth prayer of the day) we all sat in daddy's living room to have a family time, when is yaya Abdallah coming back, I miss him so much, said Aleeya.

His coming back this week inshallah ,said mom. I hope he buys does phone cases I told him to buy for me and my besties, I want us to twin, I said enthusiastically.

Dad I want to take Abeer and Aleeya out to dinner at the restaurant, ok no problem but don't stay out late , ok dad ,sis your the best said my sister's happiness clouding all over their faces .

We all went up to our room to get ready, I entered my bathroom and had a steaming hot shower and came out . I rub my body cream and rubbed humrah on my body , I put powder and lip balm and wore a coffee brown and dark blue maxi dress and wore my wedge and picked a dark blue veil and side bag and came out not before closing my door.

I met my sisters already dressed waiting for me. I took us to mandi place I ordered mandi rice with grilled lamb and Chapman, Abeer ordered fish mandi,caesar salad and Chapman, Aleeya ordered chicken mandi, spicy prawns and Chapman .

When we finished eating the waiter came and I paid the bill, after the dinner we went to h-medix and bought my fav jelly, pringles and doritos.

When we came back I bade everyone goodnight and went to my room to pray isha(last prayer of the day)and then sleep.

I removed my cloth and put on my pyjamas and drifted into a deep slumber not before saying my bed supplication.

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