•37: Avalanche of emotions.

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He was sleeping peaceful on his bed when a faint knock made it's way to his door. He squinted his eyes and groaned, before yawning to the other side of the bed. He heard as his door creaked open, the person walked into his dark filled room. It was as dark as his lifeless heart;

He blinked his eyes repeatedly to get habituated to being awake at the moment. He blew out a small breath as he made no move to get up from the bed. He felt drained. Completely.

He wished all that had happened for the past weeks were all an illusion, a dream. A scary one.  He wished his Afreen wasn't amnesiac. He still couldn't believe that, it is terrifying thinking about it. He could remember their phone call, they were all lovey dovey, talking about everything and nothing.

He silently shook his head feeling a scrutinizing pain pierce his heart. His chest hurt, he feels like reaping his heart from his body, because he couldn't take it anymore it hurts so much. He felt like dying than experiencing this kind of pain, torture, any word that could describe how he felt. Subhanallah, it hurts.

A single thought of her sent him into a world of agony. Because he had to think of the first time he met her, how carefree and fierce she looked, second time they met which was in the park she was dressed in her abaya, oh Allah she looked so beautiful in it. He couldn't forget a single memory of them even after if it were to be billion years later. He just realized that his life had never been better until she came into it. Every day became adventurous and exciting for him. She was debonair in her own way.

"What are you thinking about?" His mother asked,  and that brought an end to his agonizing train of thoughts. He looked up and gave his mother a smile, it didn't reach his heart at all and Ammie noticed that, she wiped a stubborn tear that came out of her eye. If  loving someone selflessly was a bad thing, then she would have beg God to not allow her children  fall into it, because they are a hot mess now!

No mother will love to see her children like that, it was heartbreaking.

He put his hand on his now rough beard and patted it, he felt irritated with his look. No doubt he knows that he looks horrible and out of place.

"Anwaar." His mother called, walking to his bed. Why are you still in bed? Do you know what the time is? You ought to stand up and continue leaving your life you can't keep dwelling on what happened. If you two aren't meant to be then accept qadr because anything that's not meant for you will find its way out. So, please just accept everything and move on, I can even hook you up with my  friends daughters what do you think? Umm.

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