•24: A feeling of epiphany.

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A feeling of epiphany!

That was how he was feeling right at that particular moment. One of the best feeling in the world. He couldn't thank God for feeling enlightened. Honestly, if someone had told him that his relationship with Afreen will some day have a name he could have laughed his butt off for the whole day and say that that person is hallucinating. Honestly.

He still couldn't believe that she gave him a friendship pass. Afreen of all people. He knows that they didn't start on a good level and yes he accepts all his mistakes, he was just behaving like a moron. But he is still happy that that was a reason they met.

What an irony of life. 

She even accepted his request on going for a date! You know honestly, he couldn't ask more in a friend.

After spending almost an hour and a half in the shower he came out with a towel wrapped on his lower body, he picked a white towel in his closet and dried his wet silky hair.  He picked a Ralph Lauren polo shirt and paired it with a khaki pants.  He sprayed his expensive cologne and wore his shoes.

He picked one of his sleek white Mercedes Benz and drove out of the house to Afreen's house. He connected the car aux with his phone and played a song. He happily sang along until he reached his destination. He honked at the gate and the security guard opened up it.

He picked his phone and sent her a message to inform her he had arrived. He waited for about fifteen minutes before she came out. He heard a knock on his window and he came out of the car. For over twenty seconds he couldn't move an inch, it was like had been jinxed while his jaw was dropped in awe. She beatiful, in fact beautiful was an understatement with the way she was looking. She looked magnificent. Mashallah. Even though it was haram to look at her like that, he just couldn't help it. Damn what a beauty.

You look mashallah! He complemented her. Thank you, she replied while smiling. Can you take me to your mom I want to say my greetings. Oh! She is not around, she replied. Oh Allah sarki. Extend my greetings to her then.

They entered the car and he drove them to a Chinese restaurant. He tried to start a conversation but he couldn't . Jeez! Not today. So How is Aleeya and my bestie. They are fine Alhamdulilah, they are extending their greeting she replied.

Why are you reserved? I have noticed that since we started talking I have always been the one picking a conversation and doing most of the talking, he probes.

Uhm! I just don't like talking to people that I don't know much. But you had to force your way into my life. Urgg! She whispered in her head. Oh! Is that true. I heard what you said, he laughed. Oh! Shit I didn't say it out loud, did I? Oh! .

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