•21: Burning heart.

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➖ Afreen➖




It's hard to admit that we can't solve every kind of problems. But sometimes it just feels too much for me to bear. But when things are tough I think of my Rabb every pain, every sadness, every hardship you are in he knows.

It pains. It pains so much but sometimes we just have to shake it off our minds.

She stood up and folded the praying mat that she had finish using then kept it in it usual place. She headed to her closet and picked a light gown that stopped on her knee.

She lazily walked herself to her bed with the small energy she had in her body then laid back face down. She off the bed side lamp which was the only light illuminating in the room. Today was one of the days she isolated herself away from the world. She put here head between her knees, curling herself into herself as tight as she could, sick with terror.

When her tears came, she didn't stop them. She let them flow on their own accord without wiping them. She went to her closet and picked a small duffel bag. She sat down on the bed with her body shaking continuously. She brought out the item that was inside which was a gun, yes did you hear a gun. She was a fr**king murderer. Yh.

She once killed a human being and she could say she didn't regret it even though it hunted her. She cried. She cried for feeling vulnerable. She cried for keeping that feeling always in her mind. She cried for her denied childhood. She cried for the hatred she harboured for the opposite sex. She cried for always feeling like committing suicide. She cried so bad that she knew she would always end up with a bad headache. She cried for many things. She wanted today to be a forgotten history, but it was still obstructing her future nonetheless. Not to forget what made her cry even more was that she couldn't control her feelings. She closed her eyes and tried to drift to sleep. Atleast.


The sunlight illuminated into her room directing it reflection to her face making her to squint her eyes. She stretched her sore muscles and stood up to from the bed. She entered the ensuite and directed herself to the mirror. The first thing she came in contact with was her puffy red eyes and swollen face. Yep.

She washed her face with a face wash to clear off any of her having red eyes or swollen face. She took a relaxing bath to wash away any aching part in her body. After being satisfied she came out with her towel which she securely tied from her bosom. Then let her wet hair to dry naturally.

She got dressed into a blue material gown then tied her mid back length hair with a ribbon. She then went down to meet her family for breakfast.

"Assalam alaikum familia, she greeted whilst getting herself comfortable on the chair.

"Wa'alaiki Salam, they all responded.

"Not again Afreen, her mother complained. Sorry Ummie she apologized holding both her ears the Indian style way. Coming late for breakfast or any activity that involved the family was one of Afreen's bad habits which makes her to always get an earful from ummie.

After breakfast they all packed the used items together with her sisters then took it to the kitchen for washing. She went back up to her dad's living room.

She pensively stared at the window in the parlour which gave a great view of childhren playing in the estate park in the early morning. She sat down on the ottoman as she scroll through social media, she came across a post in a blog page that says famous Sabeeha Aliyu Turaki daughter of former minister of finance marriage breaks off after sending her husband to jail. She gasped after reading the caption, people always seem to amaze her they never tend to mind their business. She entered the comment section and saw nasty comments;

women of nowadays always eager to get married but end up in a broken marriage and as divorcees...

She shooked her head annoyed by herself for entering the social media which made her mood even more worse than she was feeling. Sometimes what we don't know is that, this gadget called phone that we can't leave without with, is what can take you to hell without you knowing. People tend to forget that judging people without knowing their perspective is a grave sin. Auzhubi-Allah.

She went back to her room and carried her wallet then went out to a cafe nearby to buy a cold coffee. After buying the coffee she strolled back home while listening to the recitation of the Quran. she abruptly came up with an idea which was to call Sabeeha. It has been more than a month since they last communicated through the phone. She dialled her number and it was picked after the third ring.

"--Salam,she greeted..

"Wa'alaiki salam, she heard a male voice answer from the other end. She could swear she heard her heart flutter. That was a strange feeling.

"Am I speaking to Sabeeha please, she asked politely.

"---oh my bad ,I forgot introduce myself. You are talking to Anwaar by the way.

"---ohh, she answered stuttering. Please tell her Afreen called, she said about to hang up.

"Wait, let me take the phone to her, he answered quickly.


"---hello, big sis, they answered from the other side.

"Hello, lil sister, she answered. She knew it was Sabeeha from the voice. She found out that she was apparently older than sabeeha which made her surprised because she looked like a twenty five years old lady to be honest.

"How is my little baby doing,she asked.

"She is doing great, she has been asking for her Aunt Afreen, she said laughing.

"Awww,I will soon come and visit her inshallah.

"We will be waiting, toh."

"How is Ammi and everybody,she asked.

"They are doing great.... after speaking for about half an hour they hanged up with promises of visiting each other.

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