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The soft glow of a golden afternoon, eight years having woven a tapestry of memories for Afreen and Anwaar. Their journey, etched with laughter and tears, now radiated in the giggles of their trio of little blessings – two spirited girls who adored their father and a mischievous boy forever wrapped around his mother's finger.

Afreen grunted, fatigue evident on her face as she placed her hands on her son's tear-streaked face, wiping away the mud and grass stains from the garden. Aman, crying with his clothes smudged, bore the signs of a playful yet troublesome afternoon. Tired from her long shift at work, Afreen let out an internal scream.

"Maama, you see Azra and Amani are trying to push me into that hole in the garden, and they are even laughing at me," he muttered, his face stained with tears and bloodshot red eyes.

"...and they are even saying that if I fall into the hole, by the time anyone finds my body, they won't be able to identify it."

Afreen's mouth widened in shock, hearing the alarming statement from her two daughters. She knew the girls were stubborn, but she didn't realize their mischief had reached such a level.

Despite her efforts to discipline them, her work was often futile due to how their father had already spoiled them – the epitome of daddy's girls, pampered and indulged.

"Where are they?" Her face devoid of playfulness, she jerked up. Though it might seem like an overreaction to an outsider, the severity of her children's words demanded immediate action.

"Faith," she shouted the triplets' nanny's name, and Faith came running, sensing the urgency.

"Where is Azra and Amani?"

"Ma, they are in their playground playing," Faith replied, confused about why the triplets' mother was angry.

"Didn't I tell you guys to stop going to the garden? Where were you when they almost pushed Aman into that hole? Go and call the girls for me."

Afreen's intensity shook Faith, whose body quivered with fear. "Ma, I swear I didn't know. Azra said she wanted water, so I left them in the playground, but I didn't know they went to the garden."

Turning to Aman, Afreen gave him a stern look, and he understood the gravity of the situation.

"Maama, but..."

His mother cut him off with a glare, silencing him.

A few minutes later, Azra and Amani entered the parlor holding hands, wearing pouts on their faces. Their bodies shook with the anticipation of what was coming, knowing they couldn't escape their mother's wrath today, as their father was away.

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