•22: Crazy normal.

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He picked his suit that was hung on his right shoulder and folded it neatly before keeping it in his walk-in closet. He slumped down on his bed feeling exhausted . He had just gotten back home after a stressful day at work. He performed ablution and pray then laid down on the bed feeling refreshed.

He had had her number for about one or two months now but he couldn't call nor text her. Reason unknown to him.

First he opted to going for the three day rule. It wasn't that he didn't want to message her, but he didn't want to look like a desperate freak. But then things happen.

He picked his phone on the night stand and searched for her contact while contemplating whether to call or not. After summoning up enough courage he dialled the number but it went to voicemail. He dialled again and it was picked, he muttered an Alhamdulilah in his mind .

Without checking the caller ID, he clicked on receive and placed the phone to his ear.

He cleared his throat then answered the call.

"Assalam alaikum," he spoke into the phone feeling suddenly nervous.

"Wa alaikum as salam," she answered from the other end__ in a hesitant voice.

This is Anwaar speaking by the way.

"Ohh Anwaar Aliyu right, she asked back.

"Yes, he replied almost immediately. Atleast she remembers him.

"So how are you, he asked trying to make the conversation less awkward.

"Alhamdulilah, she answered back.

"I know you have been expecting my call since right..."

"No," she answered immediately.

"Oh, he answered feeling embarrassed.

"I am busy right now bye, she riposted.

"Bye, he replied before hanging up feeling crazy but in a normal way.

He smiled and stared at the phone as if he wasn't the one that was embarrassed just a minute ago by a girl. Woah! he thinks he started falling for her. That's crazy.

He stood up from the bed to make a hot steaming coffee while humming  a song in his head.

He picked up his laptop and started working on a project that he was handling in the office. Oh! how work has been hectic this days. 


Dark glasses hid his eyes as he was dressed in a sky blue shaddah perched with a blue zanah bukar cap which sat perfectly on his shiny hair, with a  silver watch clasped on his hand. After completely getting dressed he made his way out of his apartment to the company. He met his colleagues outside in the enormous building waiting outside for him.

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