54: Affairs of the heart

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Abuja, Nigeria

Afreen sat on her bed, her room bathed in warm sunlight that filtered through the curtains. It had been a long and painful journey for her, one filled with fear and uncertainty. But now, finally, she was back home after being kidnapped by Tariq. That gives her chills anytime she remembers it.

The memories of those traumatic months still lingered, but she had regained her memory, piece by piece, over the past few weeks.

Ummie, entered the room carrying a tray of food. Ummie's eyes brimmed with tears as she saw her daughter, still fragile and healing. She placed the tray on Afreen's lap, a selection of her favorite dishes carefully prepared with love. Afreen smiled weakly, grateful for her mother's unwavering support.

"Thank you, Ummie," Afreen said softly, her voice carrying a mix of emotions. "For everything you've done for me, for never giving up on me."

Ummie caressed Afreen's cheek, her eyes filled with a mother's love and concern. "Oh, my dear, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. Seeing you suffer, losing your memory... it broke my heart. But now that you're back, safe and sound, I can't express how relieved I am."

Afreen sighed, her eyes downcast. She had a burning desire to make her mother understand her feelings, especially regarding  Anwaar. Before losing her memory, Afreen had never been particularly fond of him. In fact, she had been quite vocal about her disapproval. But now, with her memories restored, she realized that her previous objections were unfounded.

"Ummie, " Afreen began hesitantly, her voice quivering slightly, "I need to talk to you about something important."

Ummie sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes fixed on her daughter, concern etched on her face. "Of course, Afreen. You can tell me anything. What is it?"

Afreen took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "I want you to understand that the reasons I had for disliking Anwaar before... they were based on things I no longer remember. I've regained my memory now, and I realize that those reasons were unjustified. Anwaar has been there for me throughout this entire ordeal. He never gave up on me, even when I couldn't remember who I was."

Ummie listened carfully, her heart torn between wanting her daughter's happiness and the reservations she still had. "I understand that you've changed, Afreen. But as a mother, I can't help but worry. I want what's best for you."

Afreen reached out and held her mother's hand. "I know you worry, Ummie, but I've seen Anwaar's true character. He's caring, kind, and patient. He helped me heal, and I believe he genuinely loves me. Please, Ummie, give him a chance."

Ummie's eyes softened as she looked at her daughter, seeing the determination and sincerity in her gaze. She realized that Afreen had indeed changed, that her experiences had shaped her into a stronger person. Ummie took a deep breath, her worries slowly dissipating.

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