58: Formula of forever.

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Cancun holds a special place deep in Afreen's heart, a love that resonates within her.

It's been four days since Anwaar told her about the trip, and it's finally the day of their travel. She wrote a sick leave letter to her workplace, since the day after she got to know about their trip. She almost- couldn't sleep that night because of the excitement of an almost fulfilled dream. The thought of how Anwaar managed to plan everything by himself made her look at him in awe. He really outdid himself and her respect for him has increase. He was a total winner.

Her heart still swelled with overwhelming emotions- joy, uncertainty, love at thought of going to her one of her top five favourite country. She can still remember her friends reaction as she told them about the trip.

Afreen: "Guess what!?"

Aisha: "just say it. I am not ready for suspense, mon cherie."

Zarah: " Aisha, are you on your period? What's with the mood swings? And.... Afreen what?

Rahma: "Are you pregnant!? OMG!"

she rolled her eyes at Aisha's comment, before mentally noting to call her. While upon seeing Rahma's reply she let out a loud laugh, before covering her mouth in order not to disturb Anwaar who was sitting beside her on the bed. He was trying to complete all paperwork that needed his attention before they set off on their journey.

Afreen: "Rahma, what made you think of that?"

Rahma: "You're obviously married and what do married couples do? Duh."

Zarah: "for real, that was what came to my head."

Aisha: "just say it, pretty please, with a cherry on top."

Afreen: "I and Anwaar are going for a honeymoon to C....n!"

Aisha: "No way! Cancun. "

Afreen: "there's a way. Infact, in three and a half days to come."

Rahma: "I thought you said you guys didn't make plans on going for a honeymoon?"

Zarah: "exactly!"

She looked at Anwaar with pure love, then rested her head on his left shoulder. He turned his head to look at her, before placing a light kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes relishing the kiss and the love she had for this man. Just the thought of how he planned the trip, especially just to fulfill her dream, made her mutter a thank you, and she turned back to her phone;

With almost eleven unread messages from her friends, before she replied.

Afreen: "guys, I didn't persuade him. He actually surprised me."

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