•29: Priceless feeling.

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➖ Afreen ➖

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➖ Afreen ➖


It has been already months since they started dating, and Alhamdulilah everything was moving smoothly. She had just gotten off from work after an exhausting shift she was sleepy and cathartic, she glanced at her wristwatch and the time was showing fifty five minutes past four.

She decided to branch at the mall to get a gift for Anwaar since it was their ' three month' anniversary, actually it's a rule they made for themselve to get each other a gift on their anniversary.

So, why not we should make our relationship special and unique. Meaning... umm I want to buy you gifts on every anniversary of ours, I want to take on dates, hiking, horse riding and so on more, anything that make you happy and bring joy to your face I want to do it and give it to you. To tell each other how much we love each other, but that's if you reciprocate the same feelings.......

She exited the car and went into the building, she first entered skechers to buy him a shoe she had recently seen there post on new arrivals, so here she is.

"Excuse me please, I will like to see that shoe" She asked one of the salesman.

"This one?" The man asked.

"Yes!" She replied him. The man brought out the shoe and handed it to her. She checked the shoe then passed it back to him.

"I want to buy that." She said. "Okay." He told her the amount and she brought out her wallet, picked the amount of money then paid.

Next, she entered a shop and bought a wish card, then drove back home not before stopping to buy popcorn at the a popcorn shop.

* * *

After she went back home she rested for a while then prayed magrib prayer. Since her parent had travelled to Egypt weeks ago the house was utterly bored and then worst of all, her sisters decided to run off to their grandmother's house. Living only her and yaya Abdullah at home.

She went to kitchen to find something for her hungry stomach. She decided to make strawberry yogurt. She opened the refrigerator brought out the yogurt and strawberry, then blended it together in the food processor.

"-hello sis!" Abdullah said coming into the kitchen from a back door which made her to jump in fright because she knew she was the only one at home at the moment.

"God! You scared me" she said hitting him on his chest. "Ouch! That hurts. Why do you like using violence. "That's the purpose. " she said in a duhh tone.

"I want." He said pointing at the yogurt like a small kid. "

"N-O, no." She said in a final tone. "Please fave." He said pouting adoringly. "Fine." She made the yogurt and they made their way to the parlour with their yogurt and tres le cheese cake.

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