•40: Blue sky and a way out

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A tall, slim and tan skinned handsome guy with a impeccable white teeth. His face is magnificently carved, bringing out his sharp jaw line, white doe eyes, aquiline nose, and heart shaped lips. He is an indigine of Kano state. His parent, Alhaji Mustapha Garko is a retired Ambassador and a business man, while his mother, Hajiya Khadija is a full housewife, but she engages in some business.

Having grown up from a wealthy family, with a plus advantage of him being the only child. He is a complete mommy's boy who is over pampered, even in his recent years. He gets anything he wants within the snap of a finger, except one thing...

His parent had been married for eight years with no child, talk less of children. Alhaji Mustapha's family hated Khadija because they declared that she was barren and could not give them a nephew or niece, nor an heir to their brothers wealth.

That being an issue they pressurised him to get married again, but he didn't agree because he loved his wife so much. She was his pride, happiness and more. He knew his family hated her, especially his mother who had wanted him to marry her niece.

One faithful night, his mother Hajiya Sauda visited their house, because he had travelled out of the country. She knocked at the door and Khadija opened it. She saw her mother in law which made her to start trembling. She was a mess. That day Hajiya Sauda insulted Khadija and told her that her husband was going to get married again if he comes back.

That scared Khadija. She hurriedly called her best friend to tell her about what transpired so that they could find a solution. As soon as possible. They ended going to a malam boka to be precise who did his work and the matter was disclosed. A year later she gave birth to Tariq.

Her pride. She vowed to give him anything the world could offer.

That made her to be over protective of her child.

One thing you wouldn't understand about Tariq was his friendship circle. He is known to mingle with good friends even though he is spoilt and dangerous, but somethings are unknown.

Coming out of the en-suite he picked a hand towel cleaning his wet hand, then settled on the bed his back resting on the headboard.

Unlocking his phone, he entered into his iMessage and started typing to his friend. Hey! It's been long. How are you faring with life.Lol. Let me tell you something. You, you took the girl of my dreams. You knew that but you acted bitchy. Huh. Like it's said give back what someone gives you. You took my girl, it's now my turn to act. Don't dare, let me repeat myself again don't you dare associate yourself with her again or else I will show that I am also a bitch. I have always been. Traitor.

He pressed the send button, holding a cocky smirk on his face. If he wants to play dirty, then the game should be on.


"Why are you looking lost?" Aleena inquired, with a slight frown and a disturbed look on her face. Her sisters attitude this days is something else. She's always looking oblivious and always in thoughts. That's not normal.

Afreen drew her brows in, completely taken aback with her sisters sudden inquiry. She blew in a small amount of air, then smiled placing her hand on her sisters own which was crisscrossed on her chest. Did she make it obvious that she was in thought? Lord!

Aleena bit her lips in, waiting for an answer from her sister. Clearing her throat she spoke again" come on answer me! You're making me worried. "

"Nothing, what did you see?" She asked, trying to sound normal, but she was failing woefully. She hates being in that type of situation. Its makes her look stupid.

"I don't believe you! Please tell me what is wrong with you. I promise your secret is safe with me. What is that thing they say, cross my heart and hope to die. Yes! That's a promise, but if you don't want to tell me it's completely okay, when you're ready, ok!" She assured her. Even though she wants to know, she has no right to force a word from her sister. When she's ready she can tell her. Yh.

Afreen blew out a harsh breath, her eyes getting moist. Suddenly, the liquid substance started dripping from her eyes to her face. "It---it just that I am having a déja vu. Somethings have been happening to me lately and the feeling and process seems familiar.

"I don't know why, but I feel like there is someone in life who I shared something with and the same thing is trying to happen again. Love. That's what I shared, but is it even possible? That abstract feeling is something I hate."

"Perhaps do you know anything about that?"

"I? No-- not at all. You know since the past incident you started hating love and anything that has do with it. So, I don't know what you're talking about. How could you have been in love, hah."

"Huff! How could she ask me that."

Aleena stared at her sister carefully and quietly. "Don't allow your past to redefine you. The feeling, the emotions You're feeling if it's in a good way then Alhamduliallah, but if it the other way round, then don't in whatever way allow it to take control of you. You, you're strong, you have survived the most difficult situations and you will continue surviving it. That, I have faith in you. Don't forget You're are Afreen Muhammad Bindawa. When you save life you also save yours. You're supposed to be selfish with your self.

"Please dear sister, if you find yourself in love just accept it. You can't keep hating this feeling. One day you'll have to get married and you can't say you will not love your husband. "

Blowing out a harsh breath. She wiped her wet face with the already soaked tissue, carrying another in the process. Looking at her sister she didn't know what to do. Fall on her chest and cry more because of the mixed emotions she was feeling or thank her for the advice.

Doing the latter, she brushed off her tears, then whispered a thank you. Her sister could see how grateful she was through her eyes. "You don't have to thank me. What are siblings for?" She whispered trying to clean the stubborn tear that slipped out.

"You see that thing on the vanity table?" She said pointing at a black yves saint Laurent envelope chain bag. "Take it, it's yours now!"

"Oh my God! You don't mean it. Are you serious?"

"No--no! Thank you so much." She squealed loudly, jumping excitedly. Love you so much. You're the best. My one and only sister. Favourite sister in the world. My twin.

She picked the bag, then strapped it on her shoulder, while looking at herself in the middle. Her smile never fading. "You just made my day. Thank you so much sis."

Afreen sighed internally. She doesn't know what to do honestly. All the things that are happening she doesn't know how to go about it, accept it or not.







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