47: Betrothed

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➖Tariq ➖

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He went stretching his legs down the bed, his foot covered with a fluffy socks. His lips casually stretched into a lazy yawn, his eyes hazy and almost not enough with sleep. The destruction of the event of the day before followed his mind, as he stood straight. He swallowed thickly, muttering his morning prayer.

He headed to the en-suite, brushed his teeth, then changed into a pale grey Prado sweatshirt and pant. He carried his phone and headed out of the house to the gym.

At exactly 8:30 am he came back from the gym, and went to take a body soothing shower. He was clad in an egg shell long sleeve button up shirt, brown Armani waistcoat, suit and pant, as he came out of his closet. He casually walked to his vanity table and picked up his watch, then finally clad himself in his bottega veneta shoe. He looked effortlessly spectacular.

He walked out of the room to the dining to take his quick breakfast, which was a cup of earl grey tea and toast;

Picking up his phone from the couch a smile made it way to his face as he remembered the event that was happening today. He couldn't be more happier. He came out of his apartment and walked into the main house. He opened the door and walked in, as he searched for his mother's silhouette.

He smirked, knowing that she was obviously in bed. He wasn't expecting his mother to be awake at nine o'clock was he? Obviously no.

He opened the main entrance of her room which led him to her living room, before opening her room. The place was completely dark, but he managed to walk to one of her windows. He dragged the curtain open, which illuminated unwanted sunlight, making the room bright.

He smirked yet again, as he saw his mother turn and twist in her sleep. "Mamma, get up already." Tariq persisted, as he dragged her duvet down.

Her eyes fluttered open as she felt that hands on her body, she blew out a short and unnoticeable hiss, raising her body up from the bed. "Why did you wake up?" She asked, her face showing annoyance.

"You can't be serious Mamma. You are supposed to be dressed by now, and your sister's are also not here yet. You guys are frustrating wallahi ." He said, angrily.

"Sorry, habibi. I will hurriedly get dressed uhm . Moreover it is just 9:24 am." She said, taking a glance at the clock.

"Just. Just you said. This is not a funny thing to joke with. Quietly get dressed and get going, this is my wedding introduction we are talking about. "He said, bugging his mother.

"Call your sister's right now and here about their arrival. Is Alhaji Suleiman Garko back in the country?" He asked of his uncle, who was supposed to be present for the introduction.

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