•4: Tutorials.

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Afreen's point of view

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Afreen's point of view



I removed my cloth and put on my pyjamas and drifted into a deep slumber not before saying my bed supplication.


It was still dark when I woke up to pray my nafl , I went to the bathroom and performed my ablution, when I came out I sprayed the prayer mat and carried my hijab and started praying "oh Al-aleem, i seek refuge in you from the knowledge which does not benefit, from the soul that does not entertain the fear of Allah , from the soul that is not satisfied and supplication that is not answered,oh Allah,al Rasheed the guide the inflallible teacher,grant me and other people success to pass this examination, oh Allah shower me your blessing wherever I go in this life ,and also bless our parents and the muslim ummah for having the strength to guide and give us a successful and a healthy life."

After I had finish praying the adhaan for subh prayer was called, I stood up and prayed my Salah because I was already on the prayer mat, after I said my Salam I prayed to my lord again until there was no more to say,I carried my Quran and went to Suratul Al-mu'minun I finished reciting all the ayahs then went back to sleep not before setting my alarm.


Hearing a distant sound of 🎶stay by justin bieber 🎶 I opened my eyes. "Ughh who is calling me now ". I said

I couldn't help but insult the person calling me in an ungodly hour. "hello" I said without checking the caller ID.

"You asshole you are still sleeping have you forgotten we are going to acemedix academy to register for our tutorial classes "oh my God I totally forgot , raya is going to kill me, I checked the time and I saw 11:04am and we were supposed to be there by 11:30am. I was supposed to pick raya from their condo and then go to the tutorial classes. I graduated from the university as a medical student two months ago,we both studied medicine while isha studied pharmacy at bahcesehir university Turkey. We are going to start going for tutorial classes because we are going to write our MDCN(medical and dental council of Nigeria) exams in the next two months.

"Am coming now, sorry."i said and I disconnected the call while going to the bathroom to bath if not raya's spirit will hunt me. I came out of the bathroom after ten minutes, i rubbed my body cream, put on a maxi dress paired it with a waist belt then paired it with a Vinci strappy sandals, i went to my bag hanger and carried a Michael Kors quilted handbag and put in my phone, charger, powerbank, lipgloss and a packet of chewing gum, I tied my veil in a Syrian turban hijab style and came out of the room.

I went down to the parlour just to meet everywhere quite, i totally forgot that mom went to the bank, Abeer and Aleeya to the school and dad to the office. I went to the kitchen and opened the microwave to carry my breakfast i saw chicken frittata, baklava and catfish pepper soup. I quickly ate the food and went outside to my car and drove out of the compound.

I arrived at wuse after nine minutes ride because it is not far, I honked at their gate and the security man opened it ' ina Kwana' i greeted him while driving in. I was about to park the car when raya came and stood in front of the car "this girl has really shown me that she's mad" I thought. She came into the car and started talking in a ramble way I wasn't even hearing what she was saying , "please can you keep shut I told you it was a mistake I set the alarm but I didn't hear it when it was beeping" I said apologetically because I couldn't afford to make this girl angry because I love her so much," it's okay but don't repeat it again" raya said. "Pinky promise,"I said .we hugged each other.

After six minutes we arrived at acemedix academy in wuse 2 , we entered inside the building and went to the receptionist where the reception was located show us the office for the registration. "Hello ma'am " I said to the receptionist
" hello how may I help you the" receptionist said smiling, "we came to register for the tutorial classes,"
"oh okay follow me, she said we went upstairs and followed the right wing the third office was the the directors office" "thank you" we chorused and went inside the direction.

"Knock knock" I knocked loudly on the door.

Yes come in , we quietly opened the door and entered the office, how may I be of assistance to you" dr Aminu said politely, sir am Afreen Muhammad Bindawa I introduced myself and am Rahma Imam Yusuf, raya said nice to meet you, and my name is dr. Aminu Hassan.

we came to register for the tutorial class for the MDCN exam, ok he said, which university did you attend, he asked, sir we attended bahcesehir university Turkey,oh that's wonderful I actually have a friend whose son went for masters in that university, oh Allah sarki,we said, we gisted with the man because he was nice and carefree.

He handed us a file to fill in the form, come back on Friday to complete the rest of your registration, dr Aminu said, ok sir. When we came out the receptionist handed us the academy strategy book, thank you we said and went out.

When we came out we decided to go to galaxy pizza to buy some pizza, we bought a family size pizza with soda because we were famished. I dropped raya at their house then drove back home.

When I arrived home I entered the house and to my surprise i saw...


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