56: Being Yours

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The morning sun, a hesitant visitor in the sky, painted the room with a soft, golden glow. She lay there, tangled in the sheets, her heart racing, and her thoughts scattered like fallen petals in the breeze. Today, of all days, the weight of reality bore down upon her, and it felt both exhilarating and terrifying.

How had it come to this? The little girl who once played dress-up, imagining her wedding as a fairy tale, was now a woman on the cusp of her own happily-ever-after. It felt surreal, like a story from a book she had read a thousand times but had never thought would be her own.

Outside the window, the world was waking up to witness her love story. Birds chirped in harmonious celebration, and a gentle breeze whispered through the curtains as if nudging her towards destiny. The beauty of the morning contrasted starkly with the knots of nervousness tightening in her stomach.

Then, the door to her room opened with a soft creak, and her closest friends entered. Aisha's cheerful voice disrupted her thoughts, and Rahma's warm smile made her heart skip a beat. Zarah's calm presence was a reassuring balm.

"Rise and shine, soon to be Mrs. " Aisha's voice was filled with a contagious enthusiasm that threatened to crack the facade of her anxiety.

She sat up slowly, her eyes meeting the expectant gazes of her friends. Each of them had been part of her journey, watching her grow, stumble, and finally, find love. Today, they were here to help her prepare for the momentous step she was about to take.

She still can't believe the day has finally arrived, like she is officially getting married to the man of her dreams. Yes, once upon a time in her life she had verged not to ever get married, but you plan but Allah plans best.

It's said every passing minute some people's life change for the better or the worse. And she prays to Allah hers is for the best. She folds the prayer mat after praying to Allah to guide her through this marriage. While, Rahma had stepped out to get her breakfast for her, leaving Aisha, Zarah, Suhaila and her sister specifically Abeer and Aleena in her room.

"You're done, already?" Abeer asked.

"Yeah," she said, before sitting beside Zahra on the bed. Thank God, not many people where in the room, but she was pretty sure outside her room was chaos. Almost all their relatives from Katsina were in attendance of her wedding, reason mostly because it's the first wedding in Alhaji Muhammad Bindawa's house.

A knock comes through the door and Suhaima appeared together with her beautician a young woman from Chad. She has been having a session with the woman for the past two weeks and today was the last day, unfortunately. It was such a great session.

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