•26: The court trial.

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Ramadan Mubarak! My dear readers

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Ramadan Mubarak! My dear readers. May Allah accept all our Ibadah in this month of mercy and blessing.



He had spent hours in the office doing some paperwork and other stuffs. It was a long, a really long and tiring day for him. He picked his stuffs and worked out of his office. " Reschedule my meeting with the Finland company to next tomorrow." He told his P. A and walked away. "Ok, sir." She replied.

While driving he remembered his phone call last night with Afreen about the party and he was glad she agreed. He just didn't know why, but he felt she was the right person for him to ask out. One thing he couldn't comprehend up till now was, was he falling for her because he has been feeling plenty different kinds of emotions and feelings anytime something related to her happened.

Once he reached home he did all the necessary things he is supposed to do then later he came to the parlour and laid down on one of his spacious sit. His head was resting on the headrest with his eyes closed while he inhaled the scent of the bakhoor.

He picked up his phone and called their family lawyer to enquire about the court hearing that was taking place tomorrow. " -hello Good evening barrister Kamil. How is the family? I called to enquire about the court case. Yes, the witnesses have been contacted. Inshallah we will fight for justice.

He cut the call after he told him that the hearing was scheduled at 10: 30am. The next day.

* * *

The next morning, he got dressed into a black polo shirt and a chinos trouser then went to meet his family. He salamed before entering into the parlour where he met his parents and siblings already sitted. It looks like they were waiting for him. He knelt down and greeted his parent then got a sit and sat down.

He saw his sister, Sabeeha sitting at the cushion at the far end of the parlour, looking gloomy and disturb. Something in his heart twitched after looking at his sister. He turned his head feeling a pile of anger and the need to protect his sister rise up in him.

His dad made an announcement and they all raised their hands up to pray. After the prayer they all stood up and headed to the car.

Saiha, bring laila from the room. " Sabeeha ordered. "Ok." Saiha replied and quickly ran to go bring her niece.

"Uncu Anwal!" Laila shouted giving Anwaar a bear hug. "Yes, my princess how are you?" He replied stroking her head. "I am fine, thank you and you. " I am also fine." He replied laughing. After the greeting and everything they entered the car and drove to the court.

At their arrival to the court, they met their lawyer Barr. Kamil standing outside. It looks like he was waiting for their arrival. The greeted each other and went into the court room, meanwhile Anwaar waited for Afreen's arrival because she was one of the testifiers.

Few minutes later, he saw her car entering into the court. He took steps forward to her car and he waited for her to step out.

They said there greeting and he led them into the room. " Don't be afraid, we can do this inshallah." He assured her.

"Inshallah." She replied softly still feeling scared of facing people. She had to get plenty of courage before she decided to testify. Anyways, she was helping a muslin sister and a broken marriage. What more could she do to help an innocent fellow.

They all stood up when the judge came into the room and, after that there was silence. They brought Khalid in with a police escort into the witness box. All procedures was followed, and the hearing began.

They called the first testifier who was an average young man. He had a shop in the road where the accident happened. "I Sadiq, I promise to say nothing but the truth." He said holding the Quran.

On that day had opened my shop around seven fifteen in the morning. I was sitting down on a sit close to my shop... I had noticed a truck parked for the past twenty minutes, but I ignored it..... they drove away after the car had tumbled.

"I Afreen, I promise to say nothing, but the truth." She also said. She narrated all that she knew.

"I hereby sentence Khalid Sharif to twenty five years imprisonment. The court is adjourned." The judge declared.

"I Khalid, I swear to God that I will never forgive you. You will forever regret it Sabeeha. You and your family. "

"You can take my son away just like that. Wallahi ban yafe ba I will not forgive. He even did right by doing that this your stupid daughter. She deserves it. Er iska. You won't end well." Hajiya halima spat.

"Even you Afreen ama kinci amanata birds of a Same feather. " she spatted again.

They all came out of the court with happy faces. All of them rejoicing their victory. Most especially Sabeeha, she was now free from the evil man. She could now live her life to the fullest, with no worry or whatsoever. Her and her daughter they had freedom now. Alhamdulilah, praise be to Allah.

"Hey Afreen! How are you doing?" Umar greeted.

"Fine, Alhamdulilah! What about you ?" She asked.


"Afreen this is Umar, my friend. Can you remember him?" Anwaar asked. "Yeah! The face seemed familiar. Nice to meet you once again." She said.

"Hey I am Tariq, oh I forgot I am not supposed to introduce myself because you already know me. Right? "

"Yeah." She answered with a annoyed voice to which Anwaar noticed.

"I have to go now. Bye Take care." She told Anwaar. "Ok! I will call when you get home. Bye!" Anwaar replied.

"Sabeeha I am going. I will visit you soon inshallah, I promise this time. Greet laila for me." She said whilst hugging sabeeha.

"Man, I think I am in love." Anwaar said. " You are in love with who? " Umar asked. "In love with Afreen. I have fallen deeply in love. "

"What!" Tariq reacted." I mean Wow. That is a really great news. THEE mighty Anwaar Aliyu is finally in love. That is something to rejoice about.

"Finally man, finally. I am so happy for you. May your relationship turn into something serious inshallah. "


"We will meet later at the bachelor's party. See you later." Umar said.

"Ok! See you then. You too Tariq."

They did a bro hug and parted ways.


It was already evening. We were all getting dressed for my friend Rafiq's bachelor's party in a hotel. It was like a university reunion for most of us because we were all friends from university. I still wonder how Rafiq is getting married this early, because he is known as the player. But anyways you plan and Allah plans best. So.

We the groomsmen, we all got dressed into a blue tuxedo. We took pictures, reminisced memories and made fun of our friends until it was time for the party.

The groom and the groomsmen all started going out. Some entered the convoy of cars while some entered their personal car, probably to pick their dates just like me.



I want to make a correction. I have been writing Mudassir as Anwaar's friend , please the name is not Mudassir but Umar. Take note! Don't be confused please I am going to correct the other previous chapters.

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