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➖Anwaar ➖


"Anwaar. Anwaar--?" Umar called coming into his living room, but everywhere was as silent as a grave. "Anwaar! Are you in there?"


He pushed the door to his room open, but he came in contact with an empty room. He crouched his lips into a confusion look, ready to go out, but something stopped him.

He shot his head to the direction of the bathroom, there was a sound he was hearing from their. The shower!

He took long steps to the bathroom. Reaching the door, he knocked once, twice, then thrice, but there was silence. No sign of a person in their.

He knocked again, but the same result. He felt the need to open the door and that was what he did. He twisted the doorknob open,and the first thing he noticed when he entered into the ensuite was the running shower, then down.

"And that was it--!"

He shot his brows hastily in shock, as if not believing what he was seeing. It took just a sec for his head to register what he was seeing, and then immediately he was running to his friend.

"Anwaar." He called, shaking his body. He was lying beside the jacuzzi, looking lifeless.

"Wake up!" He demanded shaking his body vigorously.

How do you expect him to wake up, he has passed out.

"He realized that he had fainted and he hurriedly maid his way to the tap and fetched a reasonable amount of water on his hand. He sprinkled it on his face, and in a blink of an eye, Anwaar was awake, but now sick.

"Anwaar, "He started, but was cut short with Anwaar's cough. He stood up and extended his hand to Anwaar. He grabbed the hand without any protest or whatsoever.

The moment he stood up, he winced in pain, due to the raging headache he was feeling. With much difficulty, he walked out of the bathroom. He felt a piercing ache in his heart, as he remembered how he ended up there.

Umar took a sit beside his friend, as he looked at him with pity. Ya Rabbil Alameen. He was feeling bad for his friend. May God ease his aching heart. Anwaar has always been a strong person, he fought his battles by himself. He suppress his feelings, for the happiness of someone. Ya Allah he was his brave friend, his brother.

Everything came back to him all at once. Him receiving the news of Afreen's accident, her coma, and then now her memory. Everything is just to much for him to handle. He is just a human, a servant of Allah, he can't handle this kind of turmoil, it's too much for him to bear. Ya Allah.

Umar looked at his friend in pity. Back at the hospital, after Anwaar walked out of the room, the doctor was consulted and a checkup was carried on on Afreen, and yes it wasn't a faze, she had really lost two years of her memory.


Umar extended his right hand to Anwaar's shoulder, then patted it." Just know that I am here when ever you need a shoulder to lean on, and whenever you want to get it off your chest, I will gladly succumb to you." He said.

"Make sure you sleep and take a good rest, you deserve it. "He said, then walked out of the room.

Meanwhile, Anwaar was quite the whole while, he was in a trance of thought. He covered his face, as he felt hot tears cascading down his face, and he let them flow. It was his medicine at the moment.

He is human too.

It was time for Isha, so he stood up with a difficult effort and headed to the ensuite to perform ablution. He finished praying, then took about twenty minutes praying to his lord.

He stood up and headed to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, that was all he needed at the moment. Then his therapy, Quran. He turned on Suratul Bakhara, until the night passed.


Who are you?

That question has been hunting him for the past two days. He couldn't focus on anything. He hasn't eaten, gone to the office, or bathed for the past two days. He opened the window, and the rays of early morning sun swept his face.

He held his cup of coffee, as he sipped it, the things that has been keeping going apart from water.

He needed to take a breather, so he got ready into a sweat pant and shirt to go for jogging.

His family knew he needed space, hence they didn't bother him, they understood his situation and allowed him a breather to get his emotions back in check.

When he came back, he took a long and hot bath, to refresh his body and head. He picked up his iPad to check the email his PA sent to him. Today is going to be a hectic day for him. He had four meetings to attend. Three are business meetings and one was an interview for young businessmen.

This was an opportunity for him to forget his worries for the mean time and he was gladly, no joyful ready for the day to begin. He was ready to grow without control... maybe.

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