•19: Rugged feeling.

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I flared with anger as I raked my hand through my already messy hair . I paced around the room clenching and unclenching my fists. After investigations had been done carried out. We found out that the accident was not a natural accident but a planned one.

Planned by who, still unknown. But my intuition is telling me that it was khalid.

Only God knows!

We hoped into the car and drove hastily to the Commissioner of police office.

We shook our hands and exchanged pleasantries before sitting down on the chair.

We have sent our men to his house, but it was found close, and we had also assigned two police to keep an eye on him. But, 5 unfortunately their is still no news about his whereabout.

He knows that the police must be looking for him. He is very smart from the way am seeing, the commissioner said.

Good morning "detective Sam greeted as he relaxed himself on the couch.

"Morning, to you all, once again."

He is a friend of Tariq,so I know we could also rely on him to help us.

"There is no news about him,"I said to Sam.

"Then it means we have to think of some other way." Detective Sam said. and that means by tracking him.

That was what happened.


It was a dazzling morning, as daylight steadily bleached darkness from the sky. The sun was shining brightly carving a reflection in my room. I sat in a balcony as the morning sunrise profusely hit my skin whilst drinking a cup of hot chocolate. Early morning and their sunrise are quite special. I hummed and smiled to myself as I remembered my little conversation with Afreen yesterday.

I went into to the house to greet my family and my grandmother who had come from Maiduguri.

Tádá na(my son) how are you. "How is the morning."

" Alhamdulilah kàkà Yamara." After the pleasantries I made my way to sabeeha's room to check up on her. For the first week she came back home she did little but sleep, with help from the sleeping pills. She murmured in her sleep, talk in her sleep, cried out. She wept in her sleep at time she retch.

I found little laila stroking her head softly while she slept sound-lessly on the bed. The moment she saw me shouted my name while I quickly shushed her up in other not to wake her mother up.

I went to the bed and sat at the edge. I raised my hands, recited some duas then rubbed it on her body. I put my hands on her cheek as I caressed it ever so gently with face of pity.

I stood up and carried laila out of the room after much struggle. "Why ish mommy owesh crying, laila asked innocently."

I felt a sudden pang in my heart. I diverted her attention because I couldn't answer that question it's too heavy for me. "Have you taken your medicine, I asked. No I don't like medishin and mommy has not woken up from sleep yet, it's first grandma that gives me my medishin."


Uncu when are the taking me to daddy I want to talk to him , I know he made my mommy cry right, he always shout and made her cry in our housh. "I don like it, uncu."

Enough of the talking go and meet second grandma, ok. "Yesssh."


I quickly rushed to the office, as I had an important meeting with some investors. I walked majestically into the company as I received greetings from every angel in which I reciprocated some. I walked into the meeting room and settled down.

After the meeting I went back to my office and relaxed myself on the chair, I picked the telecom and called my assistant to bring a cup of latte for me.

I heard a phone ringing from minutes of zoning out . I picked the phone and saw an international number, I don't pick any time of unknown call so I kept the phone back. It started ringing again and I picked it.

"Anwaar Aliyu Turaki!" I heard my name being called in the from my other side. I looked at the number again then placed the phone back to my ear.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Oh , forgive my manner I forgot to introduce myself it's Khalid speaking, your brother-in-law.

"How are you doing, and my wife too , ooh I miss her so much."

"You!, how dare you , water your mouth, I flared angrily.

"Tsk,tsk, don't be angry boy, why are you acting as if you are not a city boy . Common."

I just called to check on you and my two girls, why are you getting riled up be calming down.

"Bye, extend my greetings to pops and mommcy.

"I swear to Go---"

"Goddamnit, I cursed loudly as I threw the nearest object in my front."

I hastily dialed detective Sam's number , and he picked almost immediately. That man just called me now.

"Okay , but it will be very hard to track the number because he knows you can track the number, men like him are very smart. He most have gotten rid of the number by now. But tell your sister to keep an eye on any unknown number that calls her, that way maybe we can easily track him.

"Okay thank you so much!"


We have found his location, detective Sam said. He is Ohio, United states right now. And that is why where I work. Mashallah, I think it will now be easy for us.


Let me now call my dad and tell him, then we will take the next flight to America.

"No, you don't have to do that our men can take care of that, we will send our team to his direct location, then they will arrest him and bring him back to Nigeria, 'simple'


I carried my bottle of alcohol and gulped everything. I heard a loud flump at the back of the house, and foot steps. I quickly closed the doors and windows before running upstairs.

I heard a loud flump of something falling on the floor , and shooting of guns. "It was the police" We are the FBI police, and you are under arrest for attempted murder and threat.

I was shocked, surprised and confused and the tied my hand with a handcuff. Trying to will out, I felt a swish of pain in my leg as the police kicked me.

I cursed under inwardly feeling the strong hatred I had for them engulfing my body afresh.

We entered the police car , and they took me away.

"This must be Anwaar's doing for sure." I voiced out loudly while I banged the window out of anger.

Two months later

After coming out of the American prison after frickin months, I was now being transported to Nigeria. We arrived in Abuja, and I was taken to a prison till further notice.

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