•34: Broken(2)

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➖Anwaar ➖

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➖Anwaar ➖


Awake. Alive.

Back to life. He kept measuring the probability of a dead person reviving back to life.

Is it possible that was the question he kept asking himself. But then his Afreen... as if pricked with a needle, he hurriedly stood up and picked his phone and car key before rushing out to the car.

The ride to the hospital felt like a very long distance even though he was speeding madly. Arriving at the hospital, he parked his car carelessly and rushed into the inner building; Repeating the same action of following the staircase, he arrived swiftly.

"Where is she?" He asked Rahma while panting. She's in the room, but her father is inside now, you should wait.

He paced from one end of the hallway to another, with his hands clasped behind his back,eager to see Afreen. His Afeey. His Amore.

He couldn't wait to see Afreen, so he got himself busy by thanking God for his mercy and blessing.

"Her father is out." Umar said after tapping my back. He hurriedly stood up ready to go into the room, but he came face to face with her father, he suddenly realized that they have never met only  one's and must of all, he isn't sure whether he knows of his relationship with his daughter. The man gave him a scrutinizing look, no he gave him a look of I know you somewhere .

Her father looked at him, then at her mother then asked who he was? Her mother looked at him, then at Alhaji Aliyu," he is the guy that came to our house with Tariq one time."

Oh, but what is he doing here?

Her mother made a sign for him to go ahead I will handle it, and he wasted no time. Arriving at her room, he didn't know why, but he started feeling anxious. Moreover he was bound to be.

He rose his hand up and knocked at the door, almost instantly her voice came asking him to come in. He took a step further and twisted the door open then he stepped in with a salam.

Plastering a wide smile on his face, he pushed himself to walk further into the room. "Afreen." He called his wide smile never wavering.

"I missed you."

There was a pause. Then Afreen turned to him with a half- anonymous, halt-wavering look of distaste, then asked.

"Who are you?"

He blinked once, then twice, wanting to make sure his mind isn't playing tricks on him. He swiveled his head more to look at her more.

His brows crouched into a thin line, giving her a look of confusion.

"Afreen please don't joke with me. I was already scared at the thought of losing you." He said feeling scared of the worst outcome. Her not recognizing him will break him beyond repair.

She still gave him a who-are-you? Look.

"Afreen please stop playing this sorta tricks, because it doesn't soothe you. "He said to her, but in his mind he was trying to level it in his head.

"I am asking you nicely who you are don't allow me to start shouting, you might be a kidnapper and I don't know. "

He starred at her for a minute, then scoffed. Even though her words sounded nothing but serious, he still didn't agree. He felt betrayed, but in another form.

He was in a dilemma.

"Afreen--" Anwaar started, but was cut short " I said I don't know you  can't you get that straight, get out of this room now. " she said hyperventilating.

"Someone help " she shouted. She sounded childish, but she was really scared of the man sitting with her in the room, he could be a kidnapper, if he kills her will her family improvise?

"I am your boyfriend Afreen. Your Anwaar. Your Askim.

"Askim?" She scoffed.

"Me?"she whispered out. "You know that isn't true. How can you even say such a thing?

He was unconsciously thinking about the worst outcome, as he heard her talk. He silently prayed that she didn't lose her memory.

But it was clear there was no hope.

Yes, he knew that the doctor said she may have amnesia as she had hit her head badly, but he never imagined that she'll have and she wouldn't recognize him, upon all people.

He couldn't just lose his Kith and kin just in the beginning of a beautiful bond.

"He will be devastated."

Oh. He already is.

"Afreen please don't do this to us, I will be BROKEN WITHOUT YOU.

He gave her a wounded look.

Anwaar didn't wait to add a minute or more in the room, he hurriedly rushed out. His heart broken.

Umar was the first to see him. His grin faded, as he pushed himself off the door. He took a self conscious air of bitterness. The other people standing there followed his gaze.

They kept calling his name, but to no avail, he was far gone to the world of menace. He really did feel endangered.

He felt as if the world was laughing at him.


He didn't know how, but he found himself back at home. He was lucky he was able to make it home alive.

He stood in the shower as the cold freezing water cascaded down his already drenched cloth.

Numb. Broken.

That's exactly how he's feeling, he couldn't think straight. His veins had frozen, his heart had stopped beating, he felt cold, immensely cold.

One minute he was happy to go and meet his Afreen, the other he is in his shower completely drenched, heartbroken and devastated.

He was losing his mind, no he has lost his mind.

Who are you?

That sentence kept playing in his head like a lullaby.

" No, no, no ." He croaked.

He felt sick. Suffocated.

Ya Allah is this the end of me and Afreen. Ya ease my heart from this pain I am feeling. Ya Allah give me the strength and courage to handle this heartache...

He knew that today he was going to spend a terrible night with chills, headaches and drenching sweats, but he hoped he wasn't going to suffer a relapse of fever.

But the next thing that happened was him fainting in the shower.

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