•30: Elated mother.

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➖Anwaar ➖

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➖Anwaar ➖


Anwaar squirmed, twisted and turned on his bed as he thought of the event from earlier, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Is he hallucinating or what?

The letter, he is still finding it hard to believe, like seriously! He is so happy Alhamdulilah. He went to his walk in closet and carried the letter from the drawer he had kept it to read it again. He sat back down on the bed.

~Dear Anwaar ~

With you I find joy, with you I find happiness, with you I feel special. I might have never said this to you but... I do know how much effort you take for me. You are seriously a blessing. I didn't know how or when this happened but no word is enough to express how much I love and adore you. Yes Anwaar I love you, I love you, I love you. Since you entered my heart, I can't imagine life without you. Life without you is unimaginable. Your intense love, care and support was what drew me to you. Just when I thought that it was impossible for me to love again... ever, you proved me wrong. You came into my life, stole my heart and I will forever be grateful. I love you. Aşkim.

He stood up from the bed, then made his way to the ensuite to perform ablution, so that he can pray. This was God's doing, so he needs to show his gratitude to his lord.

He prayed two unit of nafilah, then raised his hands up and prayed to God all mighty. After he had finish praying he folded the praying mat, then made his way to the gazebo to perceive fresh air.

He picked up his phone, then dialled Umar's number. He picked at the first ring.

Anwaar - Guy I am so happy today.

Umar - what making you happy?

Anwaar - she said she loves me.

Umar - who? Afreen.

Anwaar - finally, I am the happiest man on earth today. Alhamdulilah.

Umar - Mashallah. This calls for a celebration. Oshe we need to celebrate oo I am so happy for you.

Anwaar - Thank so much Man.

Umar - But I hope this is a serious relationship, because I really see your future together, like you guys will be a perfect couple.

Anwaar - Yh man I seriously love her and will love to make her my wife, but I don't want to talk about marriage now. I feel it's too early.

Umar - I will support you, just do whatever is right. Inshallah, Allah will bless your religion.

Anwaar - inshallah. Goodnight.

You know how you feel scared when you write an exam thinking you will not pass and then when the result comes out and you see that you performed excellently, the type of joy you feel , immense happiness, joy, and gratefulness you feel that's just the way am completely feeling, he can't shake the feeling off his head, he want to feel for the rest of my life.

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