•8: Waffles.

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Afreen's point of view

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Afreen's point of view


🎶my mother said am too romantic🎶
🎶She said your dancing in the movie🎶
🎶I almost started to believe her🎶
🎶then I saw you and I knew🎶
🎶maybe its cause I got a little bit older🎶
🎶maybe its its all that I've been through🎶
🎶I'd like to think it's how you lean on my shoulder🎶
🎶and how I see myself with you🎶
🎶I don't say a word🎶
🎶but still, you take my breath and steal the things I know🎶
🎶there you go saving me from out of the cold🎶

🎶 fire on fire would normally kill us🎶
🎶but this much desire together we're winners🎶
🎶they said that we are out of control and some say we're winners🎶
🎶but don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythm🎶
🎶cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me and tell me you love me🎶

Fire on fire
By Sam Smith

This past few days has been very hectic for me because of the upcoming exams which is in two weeks time. going for tutorial classes, having video chat with colleagues all day long and reading my books and watching online medicine videos, whoever says medicine is easy is a "big moron" .

I carried my phone to shuffle through my social media because it's been days I went online" can you imagine".

I went downstairs to make some waffles to eat, I brought out my ingredients I made the waffles only for myself because Suhayma and Suhayla went to their aunties house but they were coming back today.

"Gosh" I need to refresh my brain. I carried my phone and called the twins. Guys I think we have to go for an outing I need some fresh air to clear my brain what do you think. Yh that a good idea why not we should go to the park said Suhayma. Good idea.

Why not tomorrow since it weekend, yh but we are going with ya Abdallah right said Suhayma. Hehehe something seems fishy this one everything you will say ya Abdallah this ya Abdallah that I hope it's not what am thinking I said teasingly.

Nooo its nothing she said shyly.

Ok if that's what you say, I said and hanged up.

I went to the parlour and on the tv to TLC, they were showing dr pimple popper my fav show I watched 3 episodes and recorded the rest because I was starting to feel sleepy as you can all notice I always start dozing off when am watching don't call me village girl that's how I am.

"Ahhhhh" somebody shouted in my ear , innaliallahi I shouted and jolted up I opened my eyes and saw Aleena my eyes started screaming happiness ahhhhh I shouted and hugged her call me crazy but I don't care because I missed my sister so much .

Sis am back she said.

How was your journey I missed you I said and kissed her on her forehead, it was fine sis reen that's how she calls me.

Come let's go up I said and helped her carry her trolley I hope you brought amala for me I said jokingly actually I don't like amala.

"Am hungry " Aleena said god saved you I remained some the waffles I made yayyy your sweet waffles, whoever eats sis reens food is going to dream about it for one week Aleena said am really serious it's so sweet.

Finally someone in this house appreciates what I cook and has said that I can cook.

Hey guys
How are you all doing?
How was eid?
Mine my super super boring? What of yours
Pls make up my boring eid by voting and commenting.
Thank you.

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