•9: Outing.

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Afreen's point of view

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Afreen's point of view


I woke up early this morning to prepare breakfast for the house, what should I prepare oh lord.

I decided to prepare fried Irish and egg sauce, French toast and oat then boiled some water for tea.

I went to Abeers room and woked them up to take their bath , get ready for islamiyya and come and have breakfast then went to call the rest.

We all sat in the dining and had a quiet breakfast before everybody went to do his or her weekend business.

It was already afternoon we all got up to dress for our outing. I went to my closet and picked a white skinny jeans, blush pink chiffon top then picked a black open abaya then picked a nike sneaker and carried a small blush chain bag finally I tied my veil in head tie.

We all got down and went to ummis room to ask for permission before going out "you can go" yayy thank you ummi we squealed and went out of the house we entered ya Abdallah black g-wagon and settled down.

"Welcome aboard the car"abdallah said in a dramatic way, thank you qalbi Suhayma replied in a small voice but I heard her. What did you say abdallah asked, um..mm no..th.ing she replied while stammering.

I brushed her shoulder and said fear God, she turned around shyly feeling embarrassed.

Aleena connected her phone to the aux and played ginger me by rema for us.

Another banger

Girlie na your love wey dey ginger me
You dey give me the love and the energy
Only you wey dey high me like Hennessy (Hmm baby o)

Girlie na your love wey dey ginger me
You dey give me the love and the energy
Only you wey dey give me melody

This love, me I never see before
Baby o
This love, me I never feel before
Baby o
This kind girl wey I never see before
I go America, go London
Me I never see before
Hmm baby oh

Sweeter than Fanta (Hmm-hmm-hmm)
Coca-Cola oya (Hmm-hmm-hmm)
Sweetie my belle o (Hmm-hmm-hmm)
Omoge no go give me jedi jedi o
Born plenty baby baby o
I no go do you Johnny Johnny o
Baby o (Hmm-hmm-hmm).

We continue to sing along.

We arrived at a checkpoint and people were told to come out of their car,toh what is happening I asked, how do expect us to know abdallah replied feeling annoyed at my stupid question.

It was our turn, a soldier knocked on the window and abdallah wined the glass down. All of you Get down i want to search the car the soldier said in a grumpy voice. Aleena and Suhayma started getting scared hey two of you what are you scared of I asked them.

You are seeing this scary man and your asking us why we are getting scared i laughed out loud and everybody looked at me including the soldier like I have grown ten wings.

So you mean you are scared of this bastard I whispered to them in a low tone while laughing.

I said get down the man commanded and they started getting out of the car. While I relaxed down on the sit hands akimbo, leg crossed miming the song playing in the speaker.

You little girl didn't you hear when I said GET DOWN OFF THE CAR he said stressing the get down off the car. You said you want to search the car and as I can see this space is enough for you to check whatever you want to check I said in a daring tone while smirking.

I said get down, I won't go out of this car I deared. He got angry and went away. Fool who do you think you are.

They got inside the car everyone mouth agape and speechless looking at me like an angel that descended from the sky.

Sometimes if the devil in you comes out I use to wonder if it is really you or the devil in you one special wizard Aleena finally said.

Abdallah looked at me one last time and turned on the ignition and roared the car to life. We arrived at the park and they all got down, I sat down and brought out my lipgloss and powder and rubbed it again while looking at the mirror.

I applied it again because I care about my beauty it's one of my top priority not to attract anyone who am I even going to attract when am not interested in anyone i care about my selfbeauty.

After feeling satisfied with my appearance I came out and straightened my abaya I saw two guys leaning on a car and looking at me I gave them a hot glare and walked away in my normal style of walking which was a catwalk as people say, that's how I work naturally.

After thirty minutes of riding the rollercoaster, fairies wheel and watersplash we got thirsty and walked to the nearby buy shop to buy water and also some icecream.

We decided to stroll as we took our french vanilla and bubblegum flavoured icecream. Suhayma cracked a joke and I threw my head back laughing when suddenly a ball was thrown at me and the icecream smashed on my face and abaya.

My mouth went agape sinking in what just happened. F**k.

I raised my head up and saw that it was the guy earlier that threw the ball at me was he trying to get revenge from the hot glare I gave him.

I walked slowly to were he was and grabbed his shirt and started cleaning my face with it.

Are you mad,hal anta majnun,are you deaf oh my bad maybe you can't see what the fuck were you looking at you fool look at the way you spoilt my precious abaya, what type of a jerk are you.... I continued insulting him while people gathered around to watch some were even taking videos.

Abdallah dragged me away and pulled me to the car the rest followed behind. Inam do you know what you just did you embarrassed him yh thats what I wanted to do and I succeed I replied in my mind. He continued rambling while I turned deaf ears.

He went to the drivers side turned in the ignition and roared the car .we arrived home and I quickly opened the door and walked fast to my room because right now am feeling angry and I need to calm myself I entered the toilet and washed my face.

I looked at myself abaya in the toilet mirror and I felt like screaming this is one of my favourite abaya in my collection but THAT guy spoilt it for me his going to regret it.

It's a midnight update

@liman222 we can cook stop mocking us.

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