•39: Vertigo & Scene

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Anwaar was dressed in a long dark blue Moroccan jallabiya, looking as fresh as always. He had gotten more fairer due to the change of weather. He was scenting heavily because of his expensive cologne which had already lingered to his apartment. His stomach made a churning sound indicating that he was hungry, but then, he couldn't even walk to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee and toast.

Heck! He couldn't even leave the house, because of the excruciating pain that kept banging his head. He felt vertigo overpowering him the minute he woke up, he couldn't even go for his lecture which was scheduled early that morning. How could he go when the headache was threatening to split his head into two?

He couldn't even stand up to take some medicine. It was that worse! He felt like he was levitating. He couldn't continue sitting in one place. So, he effortlessly stood up and made his way to his kitchen to pick some medicine from the first aid box and also make some black coffee swiftly.

Resting his back on the sofa and hugging the soft pillow to his chest made him feel a little comforting, in fact very comforting, which he prayed will result to a disappearing headache and fever.

Seconds, minutes, and then hours sitting idly resulted to him sleeping on the sofa and it he was quit happy, because all the vertigo he felt had vanished away, just like how a nuclear armageddon could wipe out a population in a blink of an eye.

Standing up. He felt the sounding of his door bell ringing, and it sent him away in field of thoughts 'who could it be '. Knowing that nobody knew his address. In fact he isn't acquainted to anybody in this state nor country, made him to think deeply.

His forehead scrunched up, and lips curled into a deep frown. 

He shook his head, his face tight with no smile, then walked to the door tentatively. Checking the hole the persons face appeared. "She?!"

The frown on his face curled deeper and his face turned red. How dear she? The bell rung again, and he folded his finger in anger,  his veins popping out.

Opening the door, her face came in view looking all smiley. She moved forward trying to come in, but he pushed her back,  sending her a deep uncanny glare which could send her village people begging for coming to the wrong place. "Kauthar, what the hell are you doing here?!"

She smiled, showing her pearl white teeth. "Hey! Allow me to come in first. If I can guess that's how Ammie thought you to treat people or better said 'your family' right?" She asked smirking.

He sucked in some breath to stop himself from exploding right at the moment, his patience was getting burnt just like how a candle melts. He is enraged. " what are you doing here?" He asked, his face void of any emotion. It was stoic.

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