•28: A baby at heart.

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Anwaar ➖


That is how he was feeling after confessing his love to Afreen. He did it finally. He actually confessed his love, but then he couldn't put his hope high, because he was still waiting for her answer.

He didn't plan on confessing that early, but then who was he to decide the timing of life.

He held her hand and they walked back into the hall. He felt like disappearing because of too much noise, but then he wanted to enjoy himself.

"It is getting late, I better take you back home before your siblings chop my head." He muttered chuckling softly.

They entered the car and he drove off, the car was comfortably silent, each one of them with a thought going on in their head.

It was a ten minute ride to her house, so they arrived quickly .

"Hope you enjoyed yourself?" She smiled and muttered a yes.

"Don't forget to give me your answer. I guess I am going to have a sleepless night today, but I don't mind. As I said take your time, I won't force you to be in a relationship with me. Ok!

Think carefully, I will wait for your answer.

"Goodnight, call me when you have an answer." She smiled and nodded.

"Inshallah, I will." She muttered stepping out of the car. Goodnight, sleep tight.

"Have you forgotten, I won't be able me to sleep, because I have to think about the person that is standing in front of me, that special someone.

She shyly closed the door and walked into the house feeling embarrassed.


The house was already locked as it was already twelve midnight. She called Aleena via phone to come open the door for her. She appeared three minutes later. She came in, then looked the door.

She went into her room, then closed the door. She laid down on the bed tiredly, her muscles were paining her badly.

She stripped off her clothes, then went to the ensuite to take a hot steaming bath, after she came out she wore her pyjamas.

She spread the prayer mat, then performed her missed prayer then prayed nafilah.

She went to her siblings room to check on them. Her parent have travel so it was now her responsibility to check on her siblings in the night.

It was a routine.

After she came back to her room, she laid down on her bed face down with her eyes closed. The taught of Anwaar and his words came flashing in her head, repeatedly.

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