•16: Seethe of anger.

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"Guy I have fallen hard but you won't understand" Tariq whispered to my ear smiling goofily.

" Dude get away from my ear you idiot and what do you mean by you have fallen hard?"

"Guy you are a vibe killer, I mean I am in love . if Mudassir was here he would have understood"

"Mtschew! Here you go again with your senseless talks, how many girls have you fallen hard for , let me answer that. Millions of girls Mumu" I said. I don't even know why he is telling me about this.

"Guy this one is different am seriously in love,"he whispered in a sing song. Craziness dey worry people here
"Get away from me ,am not interested your in love life!" I said in a frustrated tone. Since when we where coming back from his friends house whom I realised that he was the brother to Afreen. The girl is a brat. I don't know about the rest of the siblings and the brother but her, her own case is different.

" I am not surprised you are not interested when even a goat wouldn't want to be with you talkless of a lady"
As soon as he finished talking , my phone started ringing. Shit who is it again! Checking my phone I found out it was Ammi.

" Assalamualaikum Anwaar please where are you" Ammi said in a tone.
Ok there's something concerning about her tone.

"Hello Ammi why do you sound worried"

"Come to maitama district hospital, your sister has been admitted,"she replied back while crying.

"What happened to her"

"Just come now!"

"Ok" I replied back already feeling light headed. I turned to Tariq and said"Guy I have got to hurry it was Ammi that called my sister has been admitted to the hospital"
"Innaliallahi what happened to her"
"I also don't know" I grabbed my car key and hurried out of the office.

"Let me drive the car, I can't allow you to drive in this state" Tariq said while we went out of the office.
"Ok! Just be fast and drive the car" Oh Allah. I can feel my knuckles as I squeeze them into my palm.
"Anwaar calm down!,everything is going to be all right inshallah"
"I hope it is not one of those problems or else I won't spare him this time around",I seethed internally.


"A patient was admitted here , her name is Sabeeha Aliyu Turaki"
"Ok sir! But who is she to you, we can't disclose our patients informa..." the receptionist said .

We barged into the hospital doors so I don't fault see her and I don't have patience.

" She is my sister" I said impatiently. Looking to Tariq, I found out he looked inpatient too.

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