•14: Hardwork Pays.

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We reached Ibadan approximately 5:55pm without any problem. We lodged at a hotel near the exam centre so that it will be easier for us than to stay in another hotel not close by.

"Rahma what are we going to eat because am very hungry "I said to her. Because if am hungry I become so angry like a peckish predator.

How do you expect me to know when am also a stranger in this state "gosh how do expect me to know you so unreasonable at times I swear " Rahma said .

Anyway let just pray our missed prayers then head out to find a restaurant nearby I said.

"Ok" Rahma said.


We took our bath and came out of the hotel 'God knows I can never be comfortable after having a long journey with all the sweats in my body and not take a bath "em em" it never works for me like that.

We got to the restaurant and I ordered hot amala,awedu soup and cow leg a yoruba traditional dish" lord I love it" while Rahma ordered pounded yam and egusi .

After we had finish eating we headed back to the hotel 'not to forget I also took a takeaway'.

I picked my phone and saw a four missed calls from my mom I forgot to remove it from airplane mode. I called her back and she picked immediately like she was waiting for my call 'Assalamu alaikum ammi' wa'alaikum salam habibty ya kuke, ya gajiyan hanya, lfy ammi , ya shirya shiryan exam in , hope dey you have read koh , we are just about to ammi , ok let me leave you to read, best of luck to both of you, thank you ammi we answered in unison.

We revised for the last time with both of us asking ourselves questions here and there,after that we took a 'refreshing ' sleep before the next day.

We woke up at exactly 7:30 am Rahma took her bath first then I did mine after her. We went to the previous restaurant and ordered a simple breakfast.

After the delicious meal boss Dave came and picked us at the restaurant to the centre which was 'Ibadan teaching hospital ' .

We did some procedures before the exam started luckily we were the first batch to start because there were like about 550 to 600 doctors sitting for the exam and each batch was 150 people.

The exam lasted for three hours for the first batch all I can say is 'Alhamdulilah' so let hope for the best. Inshallah we will pass this exam with flying colours.

We went back to the hotel and packed our luggage because we are going back to Abuja today. We came out and entered the car to return to lagos then we will board our plane to Abuja .

Safe trip to you guys,boss Dave said to us .

Thank you we answered in unison.


We arrived in Abuja and we parted ways with each of us entering their various car.

Till we meet when we meet next, I said to Rahma.

Okay bye,Rahma said.

I arrived home and I was welcomed with a surprise welcome back "what a wonderful family I have " all my family members where standing in front of the door Aleeya was holding a balloon saying welcome back sis, Abeer was holding a cake while Aleena and Abdallah where holding a banner saying keep it up soon to be doctor Afreen Muhammad Bindawa.

Mom and dad came and pulled me in for a hug 'welcome back habibty ' thank you Afreen's parent, I said jokingly .

Family hug Aleena shouted "gosh she has always been the craziest one among us. We all hugged each other merrily like we didn't have any care in the world.

I went to my room and took a relaxing bath dressed up then did zuhr prayer. I went downstairs and we ate our lunch with us having conversations here and there.

I went to the parlour and on the tv it's like up to a month since I last sat down in the parlour to watch something. I entered Netflix and went scavenging for something to watch I finally decided to watch 'Nadiya bakes' .


Yesterday night we had a movie Night in ya Abdallahs apartment but Ammi and Abbie didn't know they thought that we were all in room 'what actually happened was that we sneak out of the house to his apartment and we all ended up sleeping at the middle of the movie but we came back into the house when Abbie went to the masjid for subh prayer .

We can be criminal at times.

I came out of the house and sat down at the patio to feel the serenity of the world. My phone started ringing and I picked it up and it was Raya calling.

Hello bestie long hours how are you, I said, girl forget about the introduction guess what she said sounding happy. Girl you know am not good at guessing right so just tell me, I said sounding impatient.

We have passed she said shouting, we have passed what, I said sounding clueless, we have passed our MDCN exam bestieeeee she shouted back sounding very happy.

I didn't know when I shouted back i qquickly did a sujudul Shakur and ran into the house to convey this joyful news 'Aleena, Abeer I shouted my sisters names.

What happened they came looking scared, what happened Abeer asked. I passed my MDCN I shouted to back to them.

"What" Abeer said.

When they finally registered it in their brain they jumped on me in the name of hugging 'sis' we are so happy for you congratulations. "Thank you ladies".

In the Night when ammi and Abbie came back from office I told them the news and they werre extremely ely happy after hearing the news.

Abbie organised a small walima for me in the house my family and friends came to celebrate the happy moment with me. Offerings were offered in the mosque to show gratitude to our lord .

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Congratulations Liman222you are the winner for this chapter 💫

Next question is what is come in igala. Next winner also gets a dedication.

Go and search for it. Good luck..

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