49: Fusillade

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It was raining heavenly outside, the thunder roared angrily with immense power, rain was hitting the window pane continuously. It was really heavy. Anwaar was sitting with his sisters-- Sabeen and Saiha, each one of them held a cup of steaming hot coffee.

"...and do you even know what? The girl wasn't even remorseful." Sabeen said, rolling her eyes angrily.

"You know that is life. Sometimes you just have to expect shitty things from people, but always be patient." He replied, holding back a laugh.

He still can't believe that his little sister of yesterday was all grown up. Apparently, her male class mate was hitting on her for a while,   let me rephrase the most handsome guy in her set. And you know girls being girls, jealousy and all other stuffs, her female classmate dragged her out of the class and started insulting her, calling her name , like slut 'that part made Anwaar pissed' worst of all the school Authority heard and their parents were called. Las Las Sabeen chop beat.

"Yaya Anwaar did you hear that Afreen is getting married?"Saiha asked, out of curiosity.

He drew in a huge amount of air into his diaphragm, and shut his eyes closed. Feeling the intensity of what his sister uttered. Just who asked her to open her mouth. He has been trying to calm himself after finding out about a week ago, but it seems his sister had to just open her running mouth.

"Who told you to ask him, are you out of your mind kinada hankali Kuwa."Sabeen whispered to Saiha.

Saiha gave her a 'I am not remorseful expression' before turning to look at her brother. She looked intently at him before speaking again.

"Yaya are you just going to let her go? Are you just going to watch as another man takes her completely away from you. No Yaya. You aren't the brother I knew before. The fighter, the warrior. You didn't give up before and you can't give up now. "Saiha said, shocking both of them.

"...look, I know you guys take me as that little sister of yours in high school, but trust me I can be at least wiser than my age right now, right?" She said.

"See Yaya, Aleeya told me, and it seems Afreen isn't really excited about the marriage, but she had to accept it because of her parent.     Wallahi don't cheat yourself! How can you agree to this alignment. If I were you wallahi I will find a way. Yes I know this is no fairytale where the prince saves his princess. But I trust you can do it, fight for your lo...

"Stop. Just stop there!" Anwaar said, breathing hastily. It seems everything was hitting him.

"...but Yaya can't..."

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