•36: Turvy.

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Afreen was sitting on the hospital bed with her mother feeding her a bowl of chicken soup, while Aleeya was reading a story to her. "I am full, Ummie. " she whined.

"You better keep shut, and take this soup without any complain. "

"Behaving as if, you're not a doctor. "

"I am so tired of this hospital-- urg! Please when are they going to discharge me?" She whined.

"My dear, until you get better. Maybe in the next two months. "Her mother joked.


When the doctor came in, Afreen told him how badly she wanted to be discharged. "Hospital sucks! I can't even believe how I became a doctor. "

"Haba dr. Afreen have patience. Don't you like the hospital?" The doctor asked.

What a stupid question, can't you see she's complaining!

"No, not at all, " Afreen replied, for now I hate it here since I am the one being treated. She can't remember ever being sick in a bed in her life, it's been long. Probably eight years ago.

"We can prop you up in a chair if that's what you want, " the doctor offered. "But you might as well get used to the idea that you are going to be in this room for a long time.

"For how long, doctor? Two days?"

"At least, probably more-- maybe one month, I can't really say. "

"One month!" She gasped. Afreen was worried about the prospect of being confined to a bed for one whole month. Freaking whole month. She knew that her sickness was not a small case, hence she was having thoughts.

As silence passed in the room, the doctor took it as a queue to leave.

A knock came through the door, and the person was giving permission to come in with a salam, but there were two voices.

"Yaya Abdallah stepped into the room, then an unfamiliar figure also appeared from his back,then our gaze met. It was a man. The next second Yaya Abdallah was in front of my bed, then he trapped me into a bone crushing hug.

"Ouch--!" She winced, but it was an act.

"OMG, sorry I didn't hurt you right?" He asked his eyes held tenderness and love.

"No, just pretended." She snickered.

"Tariq, come into the room. Why are you standing by the door, like one stranger." Ummie said.

"Good afternoon, Ummie." He greeted.

"Afternoon, Tariq, ya gida. How was your trip?"


"Ina wuni Yaya Tariq." Aleeya greeted, then focused back to the book she was reading to Afreen .

"Lafiya Aleeya, how is school?"


"Afreen this is Tariq, my very close friend and a business partner too."

"She gave him a tight lipped smile, then collected the story book from Aleeya's hand."

"How are you feeling now? Allah ya baki lafiya; may God grant you health.


"Ummie zan wuche Allah ya bata lafiya."

"Aameen. Thank you for coming. "

He dropped the hamper of goodies he brought for Afreen, then turned to walk out of the room.

"Thank you so much. You didn't have to worry yourself. "

"No problem Ummie. Abdallah, Aleeya goodbye. Afreen wishing you a speedy recovery.



The following days came and went with bit and pieces of Afreen having visitors who came to check on her, then her bing watching kdrama and it was the day of her discharge. She was feeling better now, almost all her injuries had healed now.

Finally, she's going back home. Her mother was packing their belongings, while her father was with the doctor to collect her discharge papers.

"Ummie, I am so happy I am leaving this hospital today."


"Darling. We're all happy. May God continue to grant you health. "

"Aameen. Aameen."

"I hope those prepared what I told them to make for me." She said salivating.

"Don't worry, they will surely make it."

"Afreen about your friend Zarah, she called me yesterday night. She wanted to talk to you, but you were sleeping. She was a really good friend to you. So, will you be friends again? This your memory wasn't a good thing, but may God continue to guide us. "

"Aameen. "

"Alhaji Aliyu, I will suggest that she starts a therapy session. It will really help her in healing. But you should consult her first, if she wants great or if she doesn't. And knowing that she has lost three years of her memory, it will not be good to remind her of past events or else it may lead to a bigger problem. You shouldn't try to force her to remember anything, she will gradually, maybe in the next six to ten months, but one thing is you should have faith in God.

"Thank you so much doctor. I will surely talk to her."

"Allah hafiz."

They came out of the hospital and the fresh air hit Afreen's face.

Fresh air. Maybe, a fresh start too. Who knows.

By the end of October, the weather had already started showing signs of the harmattan season-- the time each year when a dry, dusty wind ushers in winter. As Afreen opened the window, the rays of the early morning sun swept across her sleepy face.

She went to her bed side drawer to carry the present, Zarah gave to her it was a diary. Since when she came back from the hospital, Zarah often visited her and they are very close now, just the way they were she lost her memory.

Afreen tore off the paper to find a book with a sky blue cover embossed with a silver glitter. There was no title when she opened it, she discovered it was full of blank, lined pages. This is going to be special.

She now has a new resolution to right about how her day goes each day. And that diary is just the perfect book, for it.

"Yaya Afreen, Ummie said I should call you for breakfast. " Aleeya delivered the message.

"Coming. "

She went out of her to the dining. "I can't wait to eat this food. The aroma smells good." Afreen uttered immediately she settled on the dining table.

"You finally decided to grace us with your presence." Abdallah said sarcastically.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, we're having visitors today. " Ummie said, smiling.

"Who are this visitors?" She asked.

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