•11: Exams.

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~Allah will never delay a soul when its time has come~

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~Allah will never delay a soul when its time has come~


Afreen's point of view


The rising sun coat a dazzling hue across the morning sky making rays of sunlight beams up into the room the flock of birds chirping in the breezy wind without a care in the world I lazily woke up while stretching my hand tiredly and yawning , I sprung my blanket on top my body and stood up not before reciting my morning prayer Alhamdulillaahillazi ahyaanaa ba'da maa amaata-naa wa ilaihinnushuur". All praise to Allah (SWT), Who revived us to life after givening us death. I checked the clock and it was showing 8:07am.

I stood up and headed to the the toilet not before saying my prayer I brushed my tooth, took my bath and performed ablution then came out of the ensuite.

I went to closet and brought out a Korean high waist boyfriend jean trouser then paired it with a v neck mustard chiffon top then picked out a long jilbab enough to cover my leg from the jilbab section.

I carried the prayer mat and spread it on the floor Allahu akbar allahu akbar......I said my iqama and started praying my nafl..... Assalamu alaikum warahmatu'Allah... Assalamu alaikum warahmatu'Allah I recited and ended my prayer.

.Bismillâhir-Rahmânir-Rahîm Allâhu lâ ilâha illâ huwal Hayyul-Qayyum, lâ ta'khuzuhû sinatun walâ nawm, lahû mâ fissamâwâti wamâ fil ardhi. As-samee(the all hearing) Thank you for guiding me through this time of study into the final exams. I lay before you all the hopes and fears I have about the outcome.

"I carried my Quran and opened to Suratul Taha."

I came out of the room and went to the kitchen I met the cook making breakfast "ina Kwana Rashida" good morning Rashida I greeted the our new cook "lafiya Afreen, ya shirya shiryan jarabawa" how is the preparation of your exams.

" Alhamdulilah."

"what are you preparing for breakfast,"I asked the cook.

"Baked potatoes, pancake battered omelette, sausage,cheese garlic bread,and tea."

"Ok,let get to work," I said while carrying an apron from the hanger.

I will prepare the cheese garlic bread, pancake and sausage while you prepare the rest,I told her.


I brought out my ingredients which were French bread, olive oil, salted butter ,salt, pepper, salted butter, parsley, mozzarella, parmesan.

I preheated my oven then sliced my bread into half lengthwise and kept it aside, then brought a small bowl and mixed my butter, garlic, olive oil.....

After one hour 15 minutes we finished everything and arranged it on the outdoor dining table in the garden.

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