52: Fray and Scathe

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The call, yet again, came in the dead of night, breaking the silence of Alhaji Garko's study. The dim glow of a lamp illuminated the room as he sat behind his mahogany desk, his face etched with weariness from the day's responsibilities. He picked up the phone, the shrill ringing echoing in the stillness, and answered with a cautious tone.

"Hello? Who is this?" Alhaji Garko inquired, his eyes narrowing as he braced himself for the familiar cryptic voice on the other end.

"You don't need to know my identity, Alhaji Garko," the voice replied, veiled in anonymity. "What you need to know is that you're walking on a dangerous path, meddling in affairs beyond your understanding."

A chill ran down Alhaji Garko's spine. He had been receiving these ominous calls for weeks now, each one more unsettling than the last. Despite the fear creeping into his heart, he was a man of conviction and would not be easily deterred.

"Who are you to threaten me? Show yourself!" Alhaji Garko demanded, trying to hide the anxiety in his voice.

"I am merely a messenger, and you're not the only one being watched," the voice retorted. "Leave this matter be, or face the consequences."

Before Alhaji Garko could press further, the call ended abruptly, leaving him bewildered and uneasy. He knew he couldn't keep this to himself this night or else he will be sleep deprived. So, grabbing his phone, he dialed Tariq's number.

The phone rang for what felt like an eternity, but eventually, Tariq answered, his voice laced with sleep.

"Father, is everything alright?"

"Nothing is alright, it's the call again. The same voice. The same time. What should we do?" Alhaji Garko said.

"We should report this to the authorities immediately," Tariq urged, now fully awake and attentive.

"Is that an option! How could you ever think of us bringing up the authority since we started doing our job. Use your sense, Mr. " Alhaji Garko replied.

"Don't piss me off."

"You know what? I will think of something tomorrow, I have an operation to take care of tomorrow. The time has come. "He replied, giggling.


"Don't worry, I will call you tomorrow. Sleep tight."

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