Chapter 27: Seon-Ho

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I stormed back to my room with this bitch on my arm, full of exhilaration, confusion...and desires that I had never held for another person before in all my life...I guess I was really growing up and becoming a man I guess.

I looked at the servant in hand; she was a young girl about the same age as Yeonnie but nowhere near as pretty as she was. She was a short stout girl with bad hair and a dark complexion...even worse when Yeon lived with her brother! But I hadn't really taken notice of before. I didn't even know if she was new in my father's employment or if she had been around for a long time but I really did not recognise her at all. I kept Yeonnie's words in mind and tried to stick with as much as I could...the amount of things I had in mind to ruin this girl's life was getting overwhelming, it really took all of my strength not to strangle her and have her body dumped somewhere...I also had for too much on my mind to think about this bitch right now right now.

I threw her into a corner without thinking twice, ignoring her tears and struggles so I could precess what took place tonight with my mind racing as if I had just solved something big. Yeon...I always had the feeling Hwi was hiding some things about her to me but I never asked, thinking that he would eventually open up to me in time. But after her performance tonight, along with some other clues of her past habits and behaviours I felt like I was putting it all together. I couldn't help but laugh a few times to myself uncontrollably as I thought about it...Yeon didn't have a temperature at all, her body temperature was fine! And if she was really sick, how was she still scented in her perfume? Or have the strength to wrestle with myself or the servant? She was a short frail girl, where would she gather the strength for someone who had been lying in bed with fever for almost a week? I felt myself grow hot with embarrassment if she really was conscious the whole time while I was doing...I started thanking Buddha under my breathe for the first time in my life that she couldn't see how much I was blushing...and to think she didn't even question my presence in her room that late at night with her dress open...I traced my lips with my fingers, the imprint of her tongue still sharp and hot with a wide smile on my face, wide enough to feel my cheeks hurt but I didn't care, it was worth it. She really was a god-damned brat; thinking she could just bat her eyelashes at me and smile and that I'd let her get away with it...actually... now that I thought about it...maybe she wasn't wrong. Till this day her brother and myself had never really denied her anything...being the only girl around us I guess we felt rather guilty...this playful girl really knew how to profit well from our adoration of her. And her performance? Why would she feign being ill?....unless...

My mind went to her bruises on her arms and I felt myself getting fired up again. I looked at the servant and I positioned my sword to her neck, ensuring her silence before I book the ribbons carelessly, cutting the girl in the same places she made her bruises on Yeonnie. I didn't care how much she cried when I didn't either. I carried on a little more, cutting her deeper until I felt my frustration ease. "Talk servant; why have you been bullying your superior?" I asked a lot more menacingly that I had intended. She dared to look at me as if I had done something unspeakable to her but she talked before I could do anything morello her "did you...did you really...really hurt me...because of that bitch?" she asked in between her crocodile tears. I really couldn't help myself and before I knew it I struck her with the nearest object I could find "HOW DARE YOU CALL HER THAT! HOW DARE YOU DEFILE HER PURE SKIN WITH YOUR VILE TOUCH! HOW DARE YOU BULLY YOUR SUPERIOR?!" I was past caring if I woke my father up or not at this point as I found my hand grabbing a handful of her hair in pure rage trying my best to remind myself that she was a frail woman also, despite her actions that lead me to believe otherwise. 

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