Chapter 100: Seo Yeon/ Seon-Ho

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He was gone when I woke up; I know he didn't want to upset me even more, the poor thing had to hold onto me crying all night long. I swear I held him so hard I left my own sets of marks on him, not that he minded. In fact I left my own sets of nail marks and love bits on almost every limb of his so he couldn't have a chance in hell to forget me. Hwi was just as equally upset and I know he dropped him off the the palace early in the morning. At least he took my bundles of food and clothing, with personal letters attached to every individual clothing I had sewed for him personally. I spent the next week wallowing in his absence before I even stepped outside to grocery shop. I know he had servants at my disposal but I needed to get some fresh air before I suffocated with his memories and his scent everywhere. Every time I was awake and breathing all I could think about was that night, when we took everything about each other in for ourselves greedily, how we touched and tasted each other until we became one. God, I missed him so much. Too much that I began writing everything down in a diary with our initials above an embroidery of his mother's favourite flower, the woman who brought us together.

A few weeks went by with my brother keeping me company as much as he could, both of us waiting for the day I would wed. I looked around my man's home with a memory of two from each room, planning out our future for when he came back...but there was no definite date when he would return, and I had to deal with this before we could start our lives together. I had helped Seon-Ho to leave his demons in the past, now I had all this time to work on mine. But I couldn't leave both men blindsided, so I decided to buy another diary to write down all of my findings that was receiving daily...before I had enough information that whoever was behind this was most definitely from the palace. I had debated for short time what I should do with the information I had...until I made the decision to go ahead and disguise myself in the palace one way or another to uncover what really happened to my family...including myself.

Despite my plan I felt sick to my stomach, I absolutely loved the man Seon-Ho had become with me, he had become the best version of himself...but his abandonment and neglect issues were severe. If he felt like nay of our future plans were postponed he would absolutely rage and freak out. No one really knew about his severe possessiveness and jealousy he had around me. Seon-Ho was not an abusive person at all, especially to women but he could be a little...forceful, and he was always one step ahead of me so he could get what he wanted from me whilst securing me at the same time. Even though I knew he had high respect for my father and he would understand why I was doing this, but I knew he was going to punish me and slowly torture me with everything he had until he had me by his side again...especially with his favourite way to express himself. I just hoped and prayed could get this done before he came home, and before Hwi returned from whatever mission he was on for the prince.

We agreed to try to keep my brother out of it a much as possible, of course they were even more displeased with my involvement but when it came to light that I was also a victim in my father's death they knew they couldn't dissuade me from being involved. I was my father's beloved daughter, the one he doted on the most, and the one he wanted to train personally after his last mission. No one could deter me from this. As for my brother...I left him a letter with Moon-Bok for when he eventually figured out what I was doing.
No matter how this plan of mine was going to work out, I always had Seon-Ho in my mind and heart, he was my pure motivation for everything I did so I could still be his with a new start...if he didn't hate me that was.


Dirt. Blood. Hate. Carnage. Hunger. Heat. Thirst. What didn't I experience in this pointless campaign? The King was going senile but he still wanted to keep his all powerful image by slaughtering the villages of his enemies and their families, but he was letting weaning power and fear to go his mind. We lost a lot of good men, young men who could have helped build our corrupt nation from the ground up instead of wasting their lives for nothing. The war was long and hard but I managed to utilise my time; I always had my second-in-command take over each war, happily leaving him thinking that he would be able to take the credit for each victory. Little did that idiot now he would soon be strung up by the rich relatives of those villagers the he was senselessly slaying. I was keeping far away from it as possible; instead I spent my time educating myself on the people for once; the very people who suffered due to lack of noble birth right and the exact laws I wanted ti implement myself. With Yeon in my presence I could hardly focus on any of my work, but now that I was out here I could really have a chance to accomplish my goals. I even went as far alto stay with an underprivileged family under disguise. I finally saw with my own eyes what the Seo's went through in their daily lives, as Hwi never discussed it with me, not that he had to, long before I was recognised as 1/4 noble I lived the same life he did with my mother however...there were certainly thing is had long forgotten since living in my father's mansion.

I studied them properly, as well as the people in power. In only a short time I was able to acquire more wealth and properties through the so-called enemies of the king through my own rouses such as enticing them to private deals that could only prove their unjust misdeeds before exposing them and provoke raids from the people they had been exploiting all along. My allegiance to the king had long been over the moment he gave me his trust; it was the country that was priority for me. I wanted to do away with labels, birth rights and the entire social hierarchy. I was comply determined to do all of this with the Seo's at my side and only together, we could create a new country together, more powerful and efficient than the rest.

It had been months since I last felt Yeon's touch, her smell as her taste, I craved to come home to this most of all. I had her on my mind before I fell asleep and when I woke up. I saw her everywhere, smelled her scent in every free moment I had and I tasted her in my sleep. She still kept me company just like she used to in my darkest of times; talking to me, listening to me, serving me...letting me have her whenever I wanted...I had to marry her no matter what; I was already annoyed at myself for not getting to it sooner but I couldn't shake myself long enough from the King's grasp. I swore, if anyone so much as looked at what was mine...I smashed my glass in my hand unconsciously, letting my blood fall to the ground.

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