Chapter 107: Seo Yeon

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I was quite comfortable in my new home, and rather grateful as I was in a really convenient location that was in between all the places in the village I would usually frequent, even my old work places were not too far as I always made a point to visit when I had the time. And the stalking had stopped for some time; it had been just over a month since I was settled in but I was barely at home much due to the Prince's ever growing demands. I noticed once again it was during this period that the stalking had begun once again and it was growing much worse. I now had people knock on my door at all times of the day for nonsensical issues. This went on for a while until I finally got the news I had been waiting for; the army was to return this very week! I was so relived to hear this that I almost bowled my eyes out in a private spot in the palace...but I was also consumed by fear; I could not, under any circumstances, let my brother or my lover know that I was in the palace. Panic took over me as I began to make plans and schemes to once again live a double life with Seon-Ho and carry out my work. If he god if he knew what I did this year without him... I didn't even want to think about how he wold torture me for it.

This was the most anxious week of my life; I couldn't concentrate on my chores properly even though I busied myself a lot more than usual to keep my mind off of what to come. I could't eat or sleep as I felt something touching me in my sleep but no matter how hard I looked I couldn't find anyone. I was still muddled due to my recent findings and my investigation had come to a sudden standstill; now that my a was due home, Prince Bang-Won was doing his usual disappearing act as he refused to share him with his father. The more I was trying to hide from him once again...the more I suddenly found myself becoming more possessive over him. I fantasised over our future all the time, what it would be like to be his bride, the mother of his children that he always wanted. I just wanted to be home with him all the time; I was no longe the weak little girl I was with epilepsy, my father had prepared me for the kind of life I would lead with my abilities...but when I was with Seon-Ho I was safe and I was loved, despite his peculiar ways of expressing it. When I was with one could touch me. I didn't even want anyone to look at me unless it was him, to talk to me unless it was him, to be in anywhere near me unless it was him. I guess...I guess I had finally surrendered to his possessiveness after all. I swear there were still times where I thought I saw him in the palace especially his study. I found pieces of us in every corner; notes he had written about me...going all the way back to when I lived with him and his father! I had absolutely no idea he was watching me from my room! My jaw almost hit the floor when I saw his screw scribbling in his desk draw about me...the things he had seen me do for hours on end...even watching me undress...I closed my eyes and pictured that night, all I could think of was how...possessive he dark he got when he wallowed in his pain and the things it made him he looked at me like I was the only woman that existed in his world...I collapsed right there and then and cried until I almost exhausted myself.

The day the army was due to arrive I was a complete wreck like I had been when I first entered the palace. I kept caging between my usual work uniform or a nice dress for once, makeup or no makeup, perfume or no perfume until I just decided the best thing to do was go about my usual work day...he was going to eventually find out that I worked under Prince Bang-Gan. The only thing I could do was wait for his bad reaction when he returned home...but it never came. I couldn't help myself; I ran out to the front gates of the palace as soon as they were open o welcome the army...but no matter how hard I looked I couldn't see him at all. I looked as hard as I could...soon enough I even stayed behind in the small crowd to double and triple check almost every soldier out of the 100's that came back...where was he? Was he alive? Why wasn't he looking for me? Or was he already with my brother? I could barely work the rest of the day so I took a sick leave, only to end up in my father's village. Seon-Ho's absence, no matter how dreadful it was, gave me time with my brother again. We spent out time repairing the village long with the others, eating together and just generally being in each other's company. Hui-Jee was also pregnant at this time and she needed a lot more help with the girl's school she was putting together as well as her daily chores. The minute I noice her protruding belly I got so happy I knocked my brother onto the ground with my embrace and I almost did the same to her. I also got a chance to bond with Moon-Bok's daughter properly as he was also working on his own pharmacy which was almost completed. It was one of the busiest places in the village and he had to start taking on apprentices so he was the busiest of us all. I had barely been back a week when my brother received word that Seon-Ho would be arriving within the next 2-3 days. I felt so relieved at the mere mention of his name I very well nearly collapsed onto the floor and was on the verge of crying myself to sleep. 

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