Chapter 137: Seo Yeon

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A few days late the Kang's were unsurprisingly let off. Kang Nam-Kong, her brother arrogantly inspected the office and sat down like he was a guest, pissing Seon-Ho off. But before he could say anything it was the girl who spoke first. She was pretty at first glance; thin and poised like all the other noble women. But from what I knew the family were useless; the mother was someone who inherited her wealth but her family lost it, forcing her to marry a distant cousin of the Queen and her only remaining family. The father was bad at business and the brother was equally as useless. It looked like they were pinning all their hopes on this marriage to my man, and by Grace of the Queen they manages to maintain whatever she donated to them.

"Recently I've been hearing some disturbing rumours despite our engagement; that you still have an infatuation of some sort with that mere lady-in-waiting...Seo-Yeon I think her name is? A lame epileptic whose father was boiled alive in a cauldron for stealing military provisions and then her and her brother were demoted to ghosts? An infatuation so severe that you wish to marry this servant alongside me? It was really ridiculous to hear, as well as insulting. You were born noble and you have such character, how could someone in your position even have an affair with such a lame palace maid?" Seon-Ho's rage was boiling with every word, knowing that it would upset me but she didn't see this and just carried on "people who spread this kind of rumour obviously have bad intentions. And despite it just being a rumour; as time passes by inevitably it will reach the Queen's ears. It will surely do you harm in future." She moved towards him to...embrace him? But he moved swiftly out of her way before she could even touch him, almost causing her to fall over. We were both used to women throwing themselves at him since he regained his birthright and his promotion in the Palace; we've even caught a few women trying to drug him and take him home so we had become much more aware of them and even conducted investigations into all the women he was to come in contact with due to his work.

I had people watch her from the moment this marriage was announced. She was poised and perfect on the surface but I had it pointed out to me that she was a spoilt brat who was born for no other purpose than to be a trophy wife. And she got jealous very easily, and apparently, she had begged her father for our marriage which alarmed me even more, especially as she had gone through a lot of marriage matches herself which she didn't keep honourably. But I never went into things without having a plan; it was a low blow but no matter how much I wanted to forgive Yeon for her secrets and move on, my dark side kept telling me to test her, to put her through the same experience she put me through so she could never repeat her mistake of leaving me again especially without any hope. This side of me had come out a long time ago, the day she revealed all her secrets and the day she left so suddenly, and I really hoped she was the one person who could cure me...but what if she left me again? My world was dark without her and as much as I tried to treasure her...I couldn't completely let go of what we both went through in my father's mansion.

"This is not a rumour; I have understood the meaning behind your words. But she is someone I have grown up with an I am indeed courting her. I am more than willing to accept everything about her; her virtues and her flaws, her intellect and her stubbornness. Even how she distinguishes between gratitude and grudges. I am not a man that makes promises easily, despite my wish to marry her as my first wife. But if I were to wed her, I would treat her well for a lifetime, taking into consideration of not wanting the image of a jealous woman. Do not fret, I will not let anyone down or give up my marriage for the world...even if that means giving up my position in the palace." The look on her face was priceless, alongside her brother. She was completely astounded by not only this revelation, but the tone of his voice he was using when he wanted to make himself heard and known. But he carried on before she had a chance to reply " Thank you for your reminders on gossip, but as far as she is concerned she is my personal business; it is not convenient for you to know more than you already do about her." "You are an army general; you are meant to achieve higher positions step by step, rather than be captivated and destroyed by a lowly tramp and destroy your future and path to success. You could even surpass the King himself..." I could help but gasp at this; it was just like Seon-Ho predicted. She was indeed a spy for the Queen to control my man whom she despised the moment he came into power, with an abundant marriage to usurp her own husband before his son Bang-Won took over the throne. 

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