Chapter 94: Seon-Ho/ Seo Yeon

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I got a little startled after I felt warmth in the mansion for the first time since I moved in here. After I had finally changed I made my way to my study but she wasn't there eyes began to water a little when I had seen how she tidied up my study already when there were piles upon piles of paperwork that I hadn't even gone through yet. She had also dusted, lighted some incense sticks and had a small vase of my mother's favourite flower on the right hand side of the desk. I could feel her warm affection radiated in these four walls alone even though she wasn't even in the room anymore and she actually remembered my mother's favourite flower...hang did she know that? I didn't have any memories of my meeting the Seo's before my mother's death...

I heard her calling me from a few rooms away. As I made my way to the only room that had a fireplace...and she had it lit with a whole spread of homemade food I hadn't had for the longest time. She cooked as many main and side dishes as she could make with whatever was laying around in the kitchen. I felt tears well up again as I hadn't felt her care...or anyone else's in such a long time. Who had ever went out of their way to care for me and create things for me like she did? "Don't just stand there, the food's getting cold" she turned around and took the towel from my shoulder and dried my hair before wrapping it up before she took me by the hand and sat me down on the biggest cushion she could find and started serving me food before herself. She almost filled it up to the brim. I told her to stop but she just chastised me; telling me I resembled nothing but skin and bones, which I couldn't deny with everything that happened since we left my father's control. She even lectured me that I should really get back into my daily training instead of drinking so much.

I wanted to take her outside in the open now that no one was watching us anymore ,but she made me finish every grain of rice, every last noodle and dressed me herself in warm clothes she had made and brought over for me in the winter. I couldn't believe she had made all of these for me, including furs and boots as well. But I was unable to say anything, never mind a than you for some reason, it felt like saying it wouldn't be enough so I just pulled her into an embrace and sure enough her touch made me feel...human again. She didn't even question it or hesitate and just held onto me even tighter. I couldn't help myself at that point, her perfume was still lingering and it was din something to me and before i could even think about it, I pulled her in for a deep kiss.

I suffered a lot that night; after hearing her confessions I really wanted ..I found myself keep wanting to touch her, to take in her scent and see what she tasted like...and I also wanted to be wanted by her side just as desperately. I didn't want any other woman touch me even in the slightest apart from Yeon so I stayed far away from Ihwaru as possible. But she hadn't changed much from when she was living with me; she was still kind and considerate of everyone she came into contact with. She was always willing to help anyone, even if it landed her into trouble.


I came back to my place only to find it completely empty! I ran around in a panic, thinking that a thief had broken in and taken all my things to sell. But it was only when my ex-superiors came out to find me did I find out that my relentless and headstrong lover had only gone and packed my things without discussing it with me and moved it into a separate accommodation next to his office! They even congratulated me on my upcoming marriage and started treating me better than ever! I was so flustered and annoyed...and happy all at once that I was rendered silent by him once again. I stormed outside angrily as they had given me a day off and of course, I had his people waiting for me just to wind me up even more. He always had a good time when he wound me up but I stormed onto it, thinking of the hell I was going to give him when I got to his place...this time I truly had all of my insecurities, fears and frustrations of not being taken seriously were boiling over inside me...and I had to let it all out at once otherwise I was going to ruin us.

I stormed my way to his office but he just took me into his arms for a while the minute he saw my face; his stare was just as intimate. We just looked at each other in silence; all childhood memories now put away to one side. We were both fully grown adults now, passionate, in love and with the world at our feet. He reached out to pull me to his side, forceful and tender at the same time, desirous, possessive and loving became all he was to me. I believed right there and then that I had truly met my soulmate, that I had not loved him since the moment I met him for nothing. 

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