Chapter 48: Seo Yeon

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I simply couldn't forget the look on his face no matter how much I tried; he looked...heartbroken when we had to part. But I was confused, didn't he have feelings for Hui-Jee? I got too lost in the moment when I confronted Seon-Ho somewhat...and other times in his mansion when I had no choice but to tell him that I had regained my memories but...he had the same look on his face then I realised. I tried not to think about it when I reunited with my brother Hwi after so many years but...but I couldn't get rid of the feeling I had deep down in my gut that something had changed between us. I looked around the table spread that the ihwaru girls had prepared for us along with my brother's new friends...but something was missing...He was missing; I could tell from the book on my brother's face that I wasn't the only one who felt that way either, they hadn't had a chance to sort out their problems but I knew he was missing him badly....and from how miserable Seon-Ho looked at home all the time, he wasn't the only one.

That feeling just grew inside of me all day until it just grew bigger and bigger to the point where I couldn't ignore it anymore. I know my brother had plans for us to leave but I had to put a stop to it, neither of us could live without him and we knew it. I knew they were both just trying to protect me from Nam-Jeon...but it seemed now like I had no choice but to step up and but together everything I had to save them both...even if it meant totally exposing the side of myself that my father raised, the side of me that society would not accept...but it wasn't like I was accepted as en epileptic either. I looked over at mr brother next to me asleep, still holding onto me in case I had a fit in my sleep. I looked at him sadly before I kissed him on the cheek before I got dressed, finally putting my plan to motion. But I stopped in my tracks when I saw Seon-Ho waiting for me not far from my place. My eyes widened as I tried to run but he caught me and started dragging me towards the market place. I built up all of my insecurities about him in general; our old relationship, Hui-Jee...and my enemies who I knew would target him first now that I exposed myself. I wasn't his first was too late for us. And I couldn't lie...I was hurt by some of the things he had to do even if he was forced to do it.

I had received word by a fired I kept close to me that the boy I was helping in my tuitions was having a hard time again with his family. As soon as my brother and his friends slept I snuck out as quietly as I could. Thankfully his home wasn't too far from my brother's hideout so I could easily make my way long enough not to be noticed....or so I hoped. I straddled myself over the gate as I made my way in my new clothes, putting aside the ones I needed to return to Seon-Ho somehow. It wasn't a long walk but as soon as I was in earshot I could hear screaming and things being thrown and shattering. I ran as fast as could, hearing the father's drunken slurs he was shouting to everyone whilst the mother tried to grab onto her son to beat him with something heavy. I called out to him and the minute he saw me he ran into my arms. I picked him up and tried to run off but the mother caught me by the arm and almost tripped me up. I put him down and I told to run back to my place before I was captured by their guards. I was dragged into the home before I had a chance to defend myself...but thankfully I grabbed one of their swords and managed to help myself before I could escape. This was one of the secrets I had to keep from everyone; all hell would break out if my brother knew I had trained behind his back...and Iran back to the hideout for a few hours, totally unaware that Seon-Ho just witnessed the whole damned thing with his jaw almost on the floor....

I kept the boy as close to me as I could as he saw me as a mother. I fed him, clothed him and tutored him out of my own pocket but soon enough I had to look for a new family to take him on, ones I could trust. My brother wasn't too happy about it now that he just got me back to himself but I had him help out my brother when he would so he could be at ease with him. 

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