Chapter 157: Seo Yeon

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We woke up a few hours later to food prepared by Da-In for once. I got up to wash my face but I learned from my mistakes last time. I took a long hard look at the water and indeed smelled hellebore in it for the 100th time. Instead of exposing her right there and then I poured it into her washbasin and replacing my tampered products with hers before joining my husband for dinner.

We were hesitant to try it but before he put the food to his lips I questioned her on what she put in his drink earlier, catching them both off guard. Her face had turned white, before she could say anything Seon-Ho smelled everything that she made and instantly made a face. She lunged for me but he pushed her away onto the floor and grabbed me but he was expecting guests later on and she couldn't leave until then. Seon-Ho had her and the other concubines flogged in the meantime while I oversaw the preparations. If one of the did something wrong they all had to pay for it as there were only ranks amongst them in the palace. In households they all held the same rank. He didn't allow them any personal servants as they were usually entitled to so they had to learn to carry out their own chores if they were this insistent on forcing themselves upon my family. My husband only spent money on their individual wings but he kept them empty and plain. If they wanted furniture and such they had to pay for it themselves. They all were in an uproar about this and tried to stand their grounds as if my husband would fight against me but they still hand understood that no-one wanted them around and that he came up with those rules himself. In the end we had to move yet again barely a week into their stay as I only had one demand; that my children were not to be raised in the sam home as them. Now that my children were grown up enough I had to get rid of her before she harmed them in retaliation.

The Kang's were wealthy enough in their own right although the sisters did not get along at all. Chun-Ae, the woman who imagined herself as my husband's main wife along with Hyo-Sonn had to continue working in the palace to support themselves, something which they were not happy about at all. The brother was barely supported by his sisters and he just lounged around the house all day long, stuffing himself with food and drink and trying to find what he could to pawn for himself. His presence infuriated Seon-Ho the most as he kept bragging bout his new family connections, hoping it would start his imaginary military career. He was an 18 year old scrounger who didn't know how to look for work, never mind keep a job. His laziness infuriated him the most as Seon-Ho soon started learning about the military when he was 8 years old and started training for his goals. In the end Seon-Ho granted him his wish as soon as he learned he was bringing kisengs back to his property. He took his reputation seriously so when he had heard what was going on he actually had to stop going over Hyuk's homework, something he had never done before. He always gave our children his undivided attention when he was home. He left Hana with me as he took his son along, hand in hand as he personally took care of the situation himself. I tired as much as I could to shield the children away from them as I didn't want them to have a twisted perception of their own family. We were one of the lucky families who didn't have concubines chosen to be a part of my family but Seon-Ho wanted them to learn how to deal with unwanted people who tried to force their will on others, just like his father spent years trying to do to him. I kissed him a few times on the cheek and whispered to him that he shouldn't be scared of whatever his father did and that everything he did and said were for the good of the family. Thank goodness that he was a very mature boy at such a young age. He had a naturally curious mind and asked a lot of questions but he was always confident in every move he made. My children seemed to have inherited my intellect so I wasn't too worried about them, they had also seemed to have gotten a lot from me as well as tiger father's courage and bravery. I could sense whoever they were up to something and I was only even more blessed that they were as close as myself and my brother so I knew they would always take care of each other no matter what happened.

Hours later my son came back running to me full of exhilaration and awe when he recounted how his father had to barge into his own home, grab 'the lazy man' by his neck and started punching him a few times until blood was pouring out of his nose and face. He then had his men throw out the naked women from his home (thank goodness Seon-Ho covered his son's eyes or he would have been in serious trouble) before dragging him into an empty carriage. He then started getting particularly excited when his father took him on horseback (my children's favourite activity) as they rode onto the military training camp not far from the palace as he dumped him there and gave him the most gruelling training while my son got to explore the place he wanted to go to and meet with soldiers to understand what his future would look like. He couldn't get enough of it and soon my husband had to physically remove him from the camp by throwing him over his shoulder much to his surprise. I couldn't stop giggling as my son would not stop going on about the military camp. He was usually a lot quieter than his sister...well it was more like she hardly gave him a chance to talk. Soon only my husband could understand him and my myself and my daughter had checked out of his excited monologue a long time ago.

I had never seen them this close mind wondered back to the time when my babies were barely 1 years old and it took a lot for my husband to bond with his son. Hana always clung to him so it was easier with her but Hyuk...Seon-Ho didn't treat him coldly or ignored him...I could see the love he had for his son pouring out of his eyes...he just didn't know how to express it. I had to start leaving him alone with him while I had to start taking Hana out, who was not used to being away from her father. When she made the smallest of noises he would run to her side and hold her has much as he could. I was afraid he was going to spoil her and let me tell you it was not easy for me with a crying baby that was used to being held on a whim. I used to quietly come home when I finally got her to sleep and hear my baby boy cry for his father. After everything his malicious father put him through I knew it wouldn't be easy for him...but I watched proudly as on the first day my man swallowed his fear and took Hyuk into his arms. Panic turned to adoration quite quickly when he stopped crying as soon as his father picked him up. Hyuk started to cling onto him for the first time as much as he could. He kept putting his little head onto his shoulders and wanting affection, which my hard-headed husband was suddenly full of. From then on they were inseparable...well only when Hana was asleep, then Hyuk had his father to himself.

My children were both equally good students; full of curiosity. They both excelled in literature and were both very creative but Hana was more artsy whilst Hyuk grew up watching soldiers his whole life. He was enamoured by that world which astonished Seon-Ho. He promised me that he would work hard not to push his goals onto his children but it was like they were born ready to follow in his footsteps regardless. 

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