Chapter 50: Seon-Ho

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 Like I said I had no idea what Hyo-Sonn had against her...until the festival of Meoseumnal was drawing near. I had come up with plans to make myself watch her this one last time before I approached her again. And I had noticed, much to my irritation that there was a man closer to her in age than myself who kept popping up and engaging in conversation with her. I didn't even want to know this idiots name who's mere face irked me...but apparently he was one of her employer's son, the only one in a scholarly family. And he bumped into her more than enough in my opinion. 

I 'noticed her' in the market as usual and I finally wanted to approach her to ask her if she would attend the festival. As I made my way, of course I was intercepted by this little lamb and his usual gaggle of young girls who followed him everywhere. The only thing stopping me from beheading him in the street was that I had noticed just in time that Yeon was usually indifferent to him...not that he was grateful for it. In fact, it only seemed to annoy this dumbass...and where he went, Hyo-Sonn was never too far with a worshipping gaze. Now I knew the reason why she was so hell-bent on ruining Yeonnie...and I was actually beginning to sympathise with her...although I was still going to make her pay for everything she had put her through.

I tried to find out some more information about the girl. I questioned her friends as well as established connections with people she worked with and places she frequented; Yeon continued to study in addition to taking female etiquette classes which was a real sight to see. I will never forget the day I saw her run up into a tree to hide from her brother who was dragging her there for the first time. Yeon was being stubborn as usual as she pouted and wouldn't come down no matter how much Hwi begged her the end he had to climb up the tree himself and pull her down before throwing her over his shoulder enduring her kicking and screaming. After witnessing a show like that there was no way I could just leave. I had to see more of her antics which I had really missed from our youths. Her introduction to the class had me snorting in laughter; the first time I laughed in a very very long time. "Seo Yeon, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" Her madame instructed. And just as I was hoping she displayed her playful nature to its fullest by placing her hands behind her back and swinging her leg like a guilty child, exposing how very unlade-like she could be. She hadn't even said anything yet but she was already getting a lot of bad looks and collective gasps. "Well my name is Seo Yeon, however I am no lady. I eternal orphaned brat who plays on her only brother's emotions to get as much love of him as I possibly can. Not to say that he doesn't adore me, because he does more than anyone else. But I always try to get as much out of him as I can so he doesn't discipline me when I act out and do things I shouldn't. Which I do a lot of" she looked back at her brother who at this point had his hands to his face in both embarrassment and adoration. And with that, she was almost kicked out of the class there and then, but Hwi now held a certain amount of power to his name to be taken seriously. It was rather ironic...Yeon was really good at the noble etiquette she despised...despite her natural abilities at these things I already knew long ago that she much preferred her freedom over a nobility status and wealth. It wasn't in the girl's nature to just sit around all day long; when she wasn't doing chores she was either working or swimming in the nearby river.

It turns out that this girl Park Hyo-Sonn was Yeon's oldest friend since she first started working whoever she could. She was a maid who Yeon had helped out on a few occasions and the helped her in return by getting Yeon jobs working besides her in private shops and homes. But she was quick to betray her over this prick that had just moved into the area recently; a certain Bong Hyun-Ki. She became just as smitten over him, even more so than Yeon was with me in the beginning...but it was Yeon he had eyes for which pissed me off to no end. I thought back to the person Yeon was before she lost her memories...I really doubted that she would be jealous if I did have a mate back then but Park Hyo-Sonn's jealousy really opened up a new world to me that I was blind to. Since I entered the place I had heard only rumours of what royal concubines would do to each other, even going as far as killing babies. Park Hyo-Sonn had even went as far as to risk Yeon's life a few times over the most nonsensical things, such as placing a voodoo doll under Yeon's pillow which she was able to talk herself out of, stealing her work materials and she even put poison in Yeon's food a few times that she was lucky to catch on in time. I met with her etiquette teacher a few times and I would sit behind a curtain as I watched Yeon in fascination complete her chores in the most noble manner that I was never really interested in growing up. She was intelligent and was able to fend for herself whilst retaining her playful manner which was so important to me; even in my lowest times it reminded of the only good memories I have ever had, which was with her and her brother. It was like she held all of my dreams, my goals, my future...and my life in the palms of her hands...I just needed to give her some more time before coming back to me...she had to...

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