Chapter 91: Seon-Ho

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I was angry at her, I couldn't deny it. I was fighting an overwhelming battle within me; I loved Yeon so much but I also knew she was a woman who was completely ahead of her time. Sometimes I had to understand her like she was a man. I was in awe of her and what she could do, but I also had an overwhelming desire to keep her so close to me that I suffocated her at times, I knew that. But I also didn't want other people around her...she had been betrayed many times in the life she lived away from me, she had almost been tested beyond her limits, been forced to do things she would never morally do and she had also almost been killed many times. I knew it hurt her sometimes, the things I had to do to keep her safe and with me...but I still felt that there was a part of her she was still keeping from me. I was running out of ideas and I couldn't let her leave me no matter what, that was not an option.

I went to Ihwaru for a couple of drinks...and because I knew she was there visiting her brother. We were both still being watched so I couldn't meet up with him but we had been exchanging letters when we could to keep each other updated, especially about his sister. I went to the back rooms where I had access along with all of Hwi's men when they needed it where I found Yeon packing her brother's things. We were gong through one of our silent periods where we were still together but we weren't really talking much. And her brother was home for a few days so they wanted to spend some rare time together, whilst she was still living with me. We definitely had some things to talk about; as special as she was I didn't want her to go around and cause unnecessary trouble, but she seemed to be doing it to get my attention. This girl was up to something or something was bothering her and she couldn't tell me about it. I made my way over to him as I had waited long enough until Bang-Won's spy had gotten pretty drunk and distracted. The men all spoke and hung out for a while; his men had already made me feel at home before I could even apologise for what I had put them through and I couldn't be more grateful. The women stayed behind to relax and have tea before we all went out together on a rare outing. Yeon didn't look at me once but she squeezed my hand as I walked by. No more than a few hours later we had a kiseng covered in bruises bloody bruises running up to us, screaming how the girls were in trouble. Moon-Bok and Jeong-Beom had gotten into their usual comic scene and had sulked off somewhere so Chief Park and had run off to find them whilst we both ran as fast as we could, only to see Ihwaru almost torn apart at the from the entrance. There was a group of men tearing it apart whilst the girls had blocked themselves in the main room. All of the men had caught up just in time but na matter how many meant we went through they all seemed to be going after the women. They had managed to break through the door before we could get after the main ones; only to see Yeon of all people fight off the bigger ones with a sword she must have hidden here, whilst Hwa-Wol and Hui-Jee were fighting the rest of them off with whatever they could. Moon-Bok and Jeong-Beom went after those that went after the girls whilst Hwi and Chief Park took care of the rest. I went after the bastards who were clearly trying to kill the girl whilst she took on 3 men at once. To my horror they were all shouting for her...and calling for my father's name. I had no idea he actually had a few followers and they were actually calling for me to kill her myself.
Just the mention of my father's name after all this time was already putting me in a dark mood as I had to relive the torture that man put me through for years. The angrier I was getting the more I found out I was capable of doing; I was somehow coming up with new sword techniques I and never tried before as I found myself copying Yeon's fighting pattern. The girls had managed to help out to the best of their ability before Jeong-Beom had to drag them out before I got to the last one myself just in time to cut him off from stabbing Yeon inches away from her abdomen. She collas[ed into my arms as soon as it was over, her fair tender skin covered in blood that was thankfully not her own. Moon-Bok immediately starting treating everyone whilst Yeon grabbed onto my hand and refused to let go. This was also something tat had me stumped; that brat acted like she had 10 lives or something but she also clung onto me whenever she could? Just what was she trying to tell me? Everyone had recovered at this time and were trying to put the gibang back together whilst Hui-Jee & Hwa-Wol both sobbed uncontrollably. This was their home so I couldn't blame them; Yeon, on the other hand looked indifferent as she kept her eyes on me, trying to get me to smile. I walked away as soon as she was done and we spent the next few days trying to fix what we could ourselves before Hui-Jee had to call the professionals in. She was cursing my father under her breath as much as she could and again I didn't blame her. On the last day I went for a walk to try to clear my head. I didn't even notice that Yeon had followed me until she appeared before me and embraced me. She then led me to a huge willow tree and we both sat under its shade. "What the hell am I going to do about you?" I whispered softly as she was in one of her rare moods; she was clinging onto me the one time I wished she wouldn't. I tried to brea her grip on me but she wasn't having it and was once again acting completely sensual in every mode that she made. We were alone in a public place that seemed to make all the difference...what I wouldn't do to have her right now. "Why do you keep testing me like this?" "Because you're the one who forced himself into my life. How else can I make sure that you're sure of your decision? And how else can I take revenge on you for not at least discussing things with me like normal people do?" I had to laugh at that "what is there to discuss? You know full well what you did to make me yours so stop trying to act so innocent" she rested her face into my neck and I had never felt so at peace before. "So what have you decided?" She asked me as if she didn't know. Half the time I'm pretty sure she just wanted me to admit what she knew I would do for her own pleasure. But no matter, I would make her pay for all of it later on; so I could easily let her enjoy her sense of victory. "And what are you smiling about so wickedly?" She kept asking me in between small kisses before she pushed me onto the ground and laid upon my chest as if she owned it. "I need to protect you from yourself, you god-damned spoilt brat" I was trying to sound serious, but as usual with her, it just wasn't happening. "Will you lock me to your bed sir? Well well, if only the snobs at the palace knew of your sordid affairs" she was in hysterics at this point, even more so when she saw how badly I was blushing, that was when she started rolling on the field, still laughing. After she had her fun she crawled onto my lap and took my face in her hands "will you really find me no matter where I go, you stubborn mule?" She tried to get off me but I pulled her back into my embrace and kept her locked there while she tried to wrestle herself away from me "just try leaving me and I swear on Buddha that I will make you regret it for years to come" "I hate leaving you more than anything, but sometimes I have no choice" she replied sadly. I let her kiss me one last time before pushing her off of me and storming away.

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