Chapter 32: Seon-Ho

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Hwi finally noticed what was going on and had managed to snatch his sister from my grasp whilst wrestling with my father. I felt her hands leave mine, and all the warmth and tenderness that came with her touch. I suddenly found myself desperate for her touch again and but she pushed me to the side for what reason I had no idea...until the last person I ever expected; made his way into my father's study; Prince Bang-Won himself; the man my father was plotting to get rid of...and he had just heard every treasonous act Yeonie made him confess to; blackmailing Hwi into betraying his hard-earned trust and killing him while my father held Yeonie hostage.

I thought I was going to faint. My father tried to look brave under the circumstances and tried calling her out on her words but suddenly a group of people I had seen around here for years suddenly rushed into the courtyard of the mansion bearing weapons. My father had a full-on breakdown in front of our eyes; smashing everything in his sight until he was forced to agree. The Seo's just nodded but before I could say move or say anything Bang-Won entreated the room. "What's all this I'm hearing? It couldn't possibly be a plot to overthrow my father the king of this nation by his very own loyal subject?" He stated in that usual lofty tone of his that usually made me want to punch him square in the face, and today was no different. But before I could say anything Yeonnie stepped in front of me again "You heard what you had to hear. And just like I told you, his son has no part in this and is loyal to your father" she affirmed in the same firm tone that I was not used to hearing. I could only look at her in shock but that quickly turned into anger when I saw how he looked at her. I couldn't help but panic for a moment; he was a prince after all...maybe she would be taken by him? But I soon noticed from the look on her face that she wasn't having any of it and I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I was so caught up in the moment I didn't even realise how startled my father was. Everything was happening so quickly that every scene unfolding in front of my eyes was nothing more than a blur but I vaguely remember my father collapsing to his knees in shock. I had never seen him like that but I had to admit, it felt good to see him like that. I looked at Yeon, wondering just how much she had seen and heard since I took her in. She still hadn't given me an explanation to how she had achieved everything that she had revealed about herself; but it...felt like...she was dealing with my father more so for me rather than the injustices he laid upon herself and her brother. It was like she had looked deep into my soul since the time she called me out on my smile and had taken out all of my inner conflicts with myself where it concerned my father, and she had suddenly out of nowhere brought him to my knees. He couldn't even grovel for forgiveness or begin to explain himself before the Prince had his men raid my father's mansion before I knew it and had him arrested. The Prince swiftly had his eye on me momentarily but before I could return to my senses Yeon came to my side once again and fixed her gaze on him without so much as a respectful bow and watched him until he left, but not before he called us both into the morning court to testify against him. She just nodded in reply but not before he tried to pull her to the side for some reason unknown to us. It was completely baffling that in the midst of the fantasy I had of my father loosing everything he held dear to him just like he stole my life and my mother's, I instinctively reached for her arms and pulled her to the side, which completely bewildered everyone there including Hwi but I couldn't exactly explain myself. I held onto her so tight that she winced but it was like she knew what I was thinking when I couldn't even gather my own thoughts and stayed behind me until it was time for them to leave for the palace. Hwi reached out to her but I still didn't let her go; they both looked at me questioningly until the Prince called for him. Hwi was still looking at me but I was avoiding his gaze. I was still processing what took place and all I could do was lean on the person responsible until we had a private space so she would explain everything to me, and believe me you I will get a confession from her one way or another. Just the thought of the things she had been through alone for all these years took my anger and protectiveness to a whole new level I didn't know existed. 

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