Chapter 169: Seo Yeon

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Not long before the concubines marriages I had noticed a certain someone spying on us at all times, especially my husband and children. This put me in a bad mood in a while that I tried to hide it from everyone but of course my husband noticed it straight away. He kept asking me what was wrong until I told him when we were having dinner. He looked highly entertained at my petty jealousy and couldn't help laughing to himself which I did not appreciate. My childish side at come out and at that point he was in hysterics when I had starting acting like Hana. It was only when I refused to touch him in bed when he started asking me what he could do to make up for my downcast mood. And as if I was waiting for him to ask me, I turned around with a playful smile that he couldn't help but roll his eyes at, already knowing I had a plan in mind. I threw myself at him, playfully giving him affection as I told him everything...

To say that he was unhappy about my plan was a complete understatement. It took a lot of convincing, a lot of begging and a hell of a lot of affection, bribery and helping him in his work a lot more than I ha ever done until he agreed. But he still wasn't happy about it. We started inviting Nam-Kyu to our home where she was greeted with warmth, luxury and good food that I knew she hadn't had in her home for a while. As an orphaned mother I was completely on edge if my children were in front of anyone I disliked. Seon-Ho new that and he had a hard time keeping me calm whenever she so much as looked at them. I was pretty quiet at dinner whilst the children, who felt awkward around her started taking non-stop as if they were afraid she would take him from her. Hana always ran directly to his lap whilst Hyuk wrapped his arm around his while he ate. They didn't give him any chance to talk at all. And we had a harder time putting them to bed as they started hanging onto him and didn't want to leave him alone with her. He couldn't help but to be greatly touched and amused at this and he promised them that he would sleep with them tonight.

After what seemed like hours I finally put them to bed. I noticed her servant lingering in the corner, he looked like he hadn't eaten for a long time. I motioned to him that there was food leftover in the kitchen as I finally got the children settled. Instead of the usual glares he would give me he actually looked touched and grateful. We engaged in conversation and when I treated him like an actual human being I had him under my spell. But then he started making advances towards me which told me everything I needed to know. I berated him for his behaviour but I did it gently; something he was clearly not used to as he watched me walk away in awe over to my husband who was fully engaged in talking to Nam-Kyu and paid no attention to me whatsoever. I pouted and did everything to get his attention but he might as well have pushed me away with his own hands. In the end I threw a tantrum, and more than one when he kept inviting her over and over again, sometimes more than once in a day. He suddenly took an interest in her, so much so that he began to neglect me both psychically and mentally. He started giving her provisions to take to her home; food and clothing.. I could hear them both in the study laughing and drinking until they were both completely out of it. Now imagine my horror when I found her asleep half-naked in the guest room and my husband was in the same room as her getting dressed. He just smirked as he made eye-contact with me and grabbed me for a kiss whist I tired to wrestle him away the moment she opened her eyes. The minute she called out for him he immediately rushed over to her side but I grabbed him by the arm and I slapped him clean across his face.

The anger on his face was undeniable as he grabbed me in front of her...and took me in their bed and he pinned me down. When it was over all could do was turn around in bed while she looked at us in awe "is that what we did last night Mr Nam? Well I was thinking you both had the perfect marriage. It looks like the show she put on is just as false as her social status" I could her her laughing at me. "I know. She keeps me locked in the home so I can't enjoy other people's company he replied whilst getting dressed. "And her sister-in-law runs the biggest gibang in the neighbourhood but she has her connections. If I'm seen with anyone she will tell my wife. Then her brother gets on my damned nerves. Anyways; meet me in the courtyard when you're dressed and I'll take you horse riding like I promised you last night. I'll even let you ride my most precious horse. Come and have breakfast first, the children are still sleeping. After that I'll take you to the market in case there's anything else you need on top of what I have already provided for you" he waited for her to get dressed first before she walked out. He then approached me silently, sat down next to me and tried to touch me again. I slapped his hand away and he forced another kiss on me before he left me to spend the day with that tramp.

"Listen...I don't know what changed your mind about me, but thank you for giving me a chance. It was always weird to me how you only held yourself to 1 woman. But...I'm sorry I git so drunk last night. Can you tell me what happened between us?" "Exactly what you think happened " he replied lightly. "If you don't mind...can I ask...was it exactly like what you did this morning to that low-born bitch" she asked a little too excitedly. "Don't you worry, it will happened again soon...well...actually..." "actually what? What is it?" "Well, you have really left a big impression on me to be honest. The things we talk about...I can never expect Yeon to understand. She wasn't born into my world. And even when I took her in, she just didn't get it, you know. So, i've actually been end my loneliness, maybe we should make this official?" "She almost stopped dead in her tracks although she tried really hard to act nonchalant "what are you trying to say" she dared not believe where this was going. "Let us wed officially; when I marry Hyo-Sonn to the man she wants I will marry you at the same time. It will be a joint wedding since I am paying for everything after all" so was so happy she actually leaned in for a kiss, forgetting tat they were in public and this sort of affection was deemed inappropriate, even for wedded couples. He had to cough pointedly for her to remember her place as they went about their day.

Meanwhile back at the home, I had her slave following me around all day, trying to help me out as much as I could. After what I had just been through in the morning I was in serious pain. He even offered to help me by cooking dinner for us, after confiding in me that he had never even cooked for his mistress. He then began helping me with chores when he was horrified what 'my dear husband' had done to me, not to mention with Nam-Kyu that he immediately started telling me all of her secrets with actual proof that he had committed adultery with himself and many other slaves that he knew around the village. In fact, they were the ones who pointed him towards her as he got a rare treatment that any other slave would have killed for as long as he kept her satisfied. He even disclosed to me how Da-In was topped in Ihwaru and what she did to her parents for keeping her there, even what happened when I was at the Nam mansion. I started putting together pieces that even Nam-Kyu didn't even bother to form and I kept it written down into my dairies just like I did with all of the enemies I had made. The nicer I was being to him the more grateful he was being to me and I did feel a little bad, but I had also heard about his misdeeds before he found himself in her service; corruption, murder when his gambling debt didn't work out and even forcing himself on female servants if they didn't pay him the attention he wanted. This carried on for a few days whilst my husband spending time with her even over his studying. But when he saw us together around the children his face was full of rage...but he didn't say or do anything. But I was in for a shock when barely a few days later I heard that he had proposed marriage to her as per tradition when taking in a household I went ahead and made my own arrangement with someone else close to me now...

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